“Well, you’re not over there anymore, and these kinds of stunts will land you in the hospital.” Raine’s hands were on her hips, and to say that she was angry would be an understatement. “Did you hear what I said? You can’t be pulling that kind of crap. It’s not fair to those of us who are worried about you.”

Jake took a long drink, wiped some excess water from his mouth, and glanced down at the petite brunette. His expression was hard, his eyes flat.

“I think you’re confused on two fronts. A, I don’t give a shit what you think, and B, I’m not Jesse, so don’t lecture me.”

Cain grimaced and walked away, giving the two of them some privacy. He didn’t like being a spectator to the private stuff going on between them.

Luke Jansen was a few feet away. He’d traded his paramedic uniform for football gear and was limbering up with stretches.

“Jansen!” Cain shouted.

Luke turned, though his smile faded when he spied Cain.

“Have you seen Maggie?” Cain strode toward him. “She should have been here by now, but I can’t find her, and her cell is off.”

Luke shrugged and anger riffled through Cain at the look of satisfaction that was etched into his face. “Jansen, I know you want to bust my balls, and trust me, you’ll get your chance on the field, but right now I’m concerned about Maggie.”

“Concerned,” Luke answered drily.

“Yes. Concerned. It’s not like Maggie to say she’ll be here and then not show.” He’d always been the kind of man to listen to his gut, and right now this gut was saying things were wrong. Way wrong.

“Well, maybe you’re not the most important thing on her agenda today.”

Cain gritted his teeth. Damn, but he’d like to punch Luke Jansen in the face and knock him on his ass. “Look, have you seen her or no?”

Luke shrugged, took his time before answering. “I haven’t seen her, but I think she’s got company.”

“What makes you say that?”

“There was car in her driveway, behind your truck.”

Raine was at Cain’s side now with Jake and Mac.

“An expensive, sporty thing. Had Georgia plates, so I’m assuming family.”

“Oh God,” Raine whispered. “She was so afraid after the pictures came out.”

Cain looked down into her pale face and his fear tripled. “What the hell is going on, Raine?”

“It’s Michael’s father, it has to be. She has no other family in Savannah except her father, and I don’t think she’s talked to him in years. Maggie’s ex must have found them.”

Everything inside Cain stopped. Hell, his heart and lungs nearly exploded. It all made sense now. Why she’d pulled away from him and why she’d been so upset about the photos in Hollywood Scene. It hadn’t just been about Cain and their personal shit. She’d been scared out of her tree.

Maybe for her life.

And he’d left her all alone.

“How can you be sure?” Jake looked at the both of them. “Maybe Jansen’s right. It could be family.”

“No.” Cain shook his head. “No way. This game meant a lot to Michael. She wouldn’t let him miss it. Even if she didn’t want to see me, she wouldn’t.” He exhaled. “That’s the kind of woman she is.

“Give me your keys,” Cain barked to Luke.

“What? Why the hell would I—”

Cain’s bared his teeth like an animal, and he was barely able to get his words out. His chest filled with a rage that was hard to contain. If anything happened to the woman he loved, he’d fucking kill her ex.

“I don’t have wheels, and if what Raine said is true, Maggie and Michael are in danger. So give me your keys. I’m going to get them.”