“I’m done here,” Nico spat, his dislike for Azaiel obvious. He turned and walked away, while thick tendrils of mist twirled around his legs and crept along his body. Sparks flew from within as he disappeared, and seconds later the unmistakable bark of a big cat drifted back toward them as the remaining fingers of night claimed Nico.

“You need to relax.” Priest shoved Azaiel backward. “He won’t stop pushing you. He can’t let the past go.”

“And you think I can?” Azaiel said bitterly.

“No. But you are Seraphim, Azaiel, and you fell away from all of us. You’re going to have to work twice as hard as any to regain the trust that you treated so callously all those eons ago.”

Azaiel turned from Priest, exhaling loudly as his gaze caught the faintest hint of light along the ridge of night sky. “Rowan needs her family grimoire in order to perform some kind of spell that will destroy Mallick.”

“He’s one of Lucifer’s. He’s protected. What power does this grimoire possess that will trump that?”

Azaiel shook his head. “I don’t know. This witch magick is not something I’m all that familiar with.”

“Normally someone of Mallick’s stature would be protected even by the League, but he’s grown much too powerful by means that are not within his parameters. I have no problem ordering his execution.”

“Thanks but I wasn’t looking for your approval.” Azaiel rolled his shoulders. “The demon lord will die. The only question is how and who will do the killing.”

Priest remained silent for a few moments. “So where is this grimoire? I’m assuming this has something to do with Rowan’s mother?”

Azaiel nodded. “She sold the grimoire to Seth . . . Seth the golden.”

Priest looked startled. “Seth from District One? The collector?”

“That would be the one,” he bit out.

“Sounds like you’ve got a bone to pick with Seth the golden.”

“He acquired me from District Three and was my jailer for more time than I care to remember.”

The Knight Templar digested that bit of information. “Well this makes things a whole lot more interesting. How the hell are you proposing to get the grimoire from Seth? His security must be impressive.”

“I managed to escape.”

“True, but I’ve my doubts you’ll be able to simply walk into his compound and take what you want. What’s your plan?”

Azaiel’s mouth tightened. “I thought I’d ask nicely.”

Priest arched a brow.

“And if he isn’t accommodating, I thought I’d kick his ass.”

“Sounds like an ass kicking is pretty much the only outcome.” Priest slapped him on the back, a gesture Azaiel didn’t appreciate. “I just think it’s going to be your ass and not his.”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence,” Azaiel ground out.

“You need help? I don’t mind taking a trip below.”

“No. I’ve got that covered though I do need to find the closest portal.”

Priest was silent for a moment. “Samael will know. I’ll call him.”

“Okay.” Azaiel nodded. “If you could make sure my little witch doesn’t get herself into trouble while I’m gone, that would be good.”

“Your little witch?” Rowan’s voice slid between them, and both men were silenced as she appeared from the gloom. At Azaiel’s dark look she shrugged. “I couldn’t sleep.”

“You shouldn’t be wandering out here alone,” Azaiel said sharply.

“I’m not alone.” She smiled. “I’m with you.”