Rowan studied her brother. He wasn’t the lanky young man from her past. A natural athlete who’d excelled at football, he’d always been tall and sported a fluid grace that had earned him a full ride to Harvard. Handsome and a born leader, his dark hair, vivid blue eyes, and absolute charm had made him very popular with the ladies.

But that was a long time ago. Back before Mallick and his curse and their mother’s downwar

d spiral had created a rift so wide, she was pretty sure nothing would be able to fix it.

Gone was the young, easy-going man he used to be. He was now a hardened, powerful man whose body had matured into that of a soldier who could dish out a hell of a lot of hurt. There was a cruelty to his eyes now, and she didn’t doubt he could kill with his bare hands.

Didn’t doubt that he had killed with his bare hands. Demons, of course, nasty otherworld creatures for sure, but still, killing changed a person.

“You don’t have to worry about that, Kellen. She’s good. Even has a bloody gargoyle protecting her.” She held her hands apart. “Big, nasty-looking thing.”

Kellen’s mouth tightened even more. “She has a name.”

“Marie-Noelle is fine.” Rowan nodded toward the house. “Go see for yourself.”

“Why did you bring her here?” he bit out. “It’s dangerous.”

Her own anger thrust against her chest, and that part of her stirred—the one that she mostly kept hidden. Heat rushed through her veins as she stared at a brother who, spiritually, was so far away from her, he could be living on another planet. She took a second and sought the control inside of her. This would not be a good time to go off half-cocked and start something with him.

“She’s damn lucky we went after her last night. Didn’t anyone fill you in on what the hell went down?”

He ignored her words. “You should have called me the minute you got back to Salem.”

“Really?” she snorted. “Because we’ve been so incredibly close the last six years?” Oh God, why did it still hurt so much?

“Because I wouldn’t have let you anywhere near her.”

Rowan ran her hand through the tangled mess of hair at her nape, not wanting to acknowledge the fact that his words pained her. More than she wanted them to. Suddenly, she was so tired of it all. Of the past and how it constantly bit her in the ass. Chewed her up and spit her out like yesterday’s meal.

“I don’t want to fight, Kellen. You know she’s safer here with us than anywhere else.”

“That’s bull.” He took another step closer until she could have reached out her hand and touched him. “There’s another place she can be.”

Her lips whitened, and she shook her head violently. “No.” She would not send her mother there, to the in-between world.

Something shifted in his eyes as he studied her, and when he spoke his tone changed. “We’ve never asked him for help. Maybe now’s the time.”

“No! What happened to the promise we made to Nana? She said that he was more dangerous than Mallick!”

His face whitened. “Nana is gone, Rowan. Everything’s backward. Messed up.”

“Kellen, we can’t.”

“I know you must be scared, Ro.”

“Don’t.” She shook her head and took a step back. “Don’t patronize me. I’m not scared, Kellen. I’m furious and tired, and I’ve fucking had it.” She blinked back hot tears. “Don’t you get it? Mallick killed Nana. Our Nana. He won’t stop until he claims his prize, and the last time I looked that effing prize was me. I’m done running, Kellen, don’t you get that? Why won’t you trust me enough so that we can get this done?”

“How can you be sure it was Mallick?”

His attitude pissed her off. “The coven has been marked, of course it’s Mallick. He’s pissed at all of us because his mark is blind, and he can’t find me.”

“I don’t like any of this.”

“I don’t see that you have choice.” She lifted her chin and uttered the words she’d thought but hadn’t spoken aloud. “Why weren’t you here with her? The only reason I agreed to leave Salem was because I thought it would keep her safe. That if I was gone, nothing bad would happen to her, and with you around . . .” Her chest heaved, and she took an aggressive step forward, her fingers outstretched as a surge of power rushed along them. “Where were you, Kellen? Why did you leave?” Accusation rang in her voice, breaking her words and tearing at her heart.

His eyes glittered as he stared down at her, and the ache in her heart tripled. There was so much anger and mistrust in them. And pain. “Nana meant the world to me, and the fact that I wasn’t here when she was attacked is something I’ll carry to the grave.” He glared at her, though the bleakness in his eyes shone through. “You have no idea what’s going on with me, and that’s fine. My life is none of your business. Not anymore. You don’t get to ask those questions.”

“Fair enough. I won’t ask any more questions, and you’ll stay the hell out of my way.”