By the time she reached the police vehicles she was out of breath, and the stitch in her side was painful. She didn’t stop. Didn’t take a moment to reconsider her actions. She just did what Logan had asked her to do.

“Officer!” she cried, stumbling over the large ruts that the tractor-trailers had worn into the pavement. She waved her hands in the air like a crazy person. “Please help me!”

A lanky officer jogged toward her with his gun drawn and she tripped once more, letting him catch her as she shuddered against his chest.

“Please help me,” she begged. “They won’t let me go. They’ll come for me again.”

The officer motioned to the others behind him. “What’s going on, Miss? Who won’t let you go?”

Tears seeped from her eyes and her voice trembled as she gazed up at him, all the fear and despair she could muster shadowed in her eyes. It wasn’t hard to do—Kira was scared out of her tree. “The two men who took me. I was at a party and they gave me a lift, but that was two hours ago. The only reason they stopped here was because I—” She swallowed and shook her head. “Well, I had to go to the bathroom.” She tugged on his arm. “But they’ll come for me when I don’t come out and they’re going to—” She shuddered once more and collapsed in his arms.

“They’ve taken you by force?” the officer asked.

“I only wanted a ride home.” She sniffled and nodded. “But they wouldn’t let me out. I’m so afraid. Please.”

The officer nodded to his partner and the others. “Seems we’ve got a kidnap situation.” Gently he disengaged himself, his eyes kind but his demeanor focused. “Where are they? Are they armed?”

Kira hoped like hell none of these nice men would get hurt, but at the moment she could think of no other way to escape Priest and Cale.

“They’re driving a large black SUV, the one parked beside the red pickup truck. They’re wearing leather and the one guy is smoking a cigar out near the front of the service center.” She paused. “They’re dangerous and … I’m so sorry, but probably armed.”

The officer nodded. “Okay, I want you to stay here. Are you going to be all right if we leave you?” He nodded to his squad car. “You can sit in there if you like.”

They moved away as she nodded and took a step toward the police car. “Thank you so much, and please,” she whispered hoarsely, “please be careful.”

God, you have no idea what they are.

She watched as the officer and six others disappeared behind several trucks parked near the building.

Kira didn’t hesitate. She turned and sprinted toward a large semi pulling away from the pumps, heading back toward the highway.

She ran alongside the driver, waving furiously, and for a moment was scared he wouldn’t stop. But eventually he noticed her and the big rig slowed to a crawl. The driver lowered his window and stared down at her, frowning.


“I need a lift back to …” Her mind went blank, and Kira realized she had no clue where the hell she was. “Ah, I need to get to Hill Valley.”

The trucker, an older man with what she hoped was a kind face, regarded her for a few moments. “How old are you?”


“You’re not one of those, ah, women—”

She interrupted before he could go further. “No, oh my God, no, I’m not a—I just—” Think! “My boyfriend and I got into a fight and he left me here. My purse is still in his car and …” The lies were coming easier, and Kira hoped she looked as pathetic as she sounded.

“Okay,” the man said with a nod. “I can take you as far as Hagerstown but that’s the best I can do.”

“Thank you.” Kira ran around the truck to the passenger side and climbed aboard.

Once settled, the two of them headed out into the night, and she closed her eyes tightly. She didn’t want to watch as all hell broke loose in the parking lot of the Last Chance Truck Stop.

Chapter Nine

* * *

“CLOTHE HIM!” SANTOS snarled, his eyes red with fire.

Lilith shrugged. She sighed and turned to Logan. With a flick of her wrist, his broken, battered body was once more dressed in denim, boots, and a T-shirt that had seen better days.