“Any idea how many vampires inside?”

Ransome scented the air and nodded. “Just one.” A smile lifted the corners of his mouth. “A woman.”

Declan was surprised. “You’ve seen her?”

Ransome shook his head. “I can smell her.”


“You smell anyone else inside?” he asked sarcastically.

Ransome frowned. “There is someone, but I can’t get a read on him.” He looked at Declan. “I’m guessing this would be your person of interest.”

Declan remained silent. He’d like nothing more than to put this baby to rest, grab the target, and take him back to holding until Bill could deal with him.

“The vampire? She around?”

Ransome shrugged. “Her scent is faint. She’s probably hunting.”

Declan took a few more steps until he was close enough to touch the iron fence. His hand lingered in midair and he closed his eyes as he visualized the wards that were in place.

They were intricate, filled with a power that surprised him considering the signature felt raw and untamed. He clenched his jaw together tightly. Something was way off. Things weren’t right.

“Looks like we have company.”

Ransome’s voice was low, gruff, and Declan immediately fell back, though he was confident their presence was undetected. Shadows that he commanded slid across them as they melted into the darkness.

Several hundred yards down the road two forms emerged from the mist that hovered above the ground. They walked with purpose and lingered in the middle of the road, showing no fear, their long jackets unfurling in the wind.

One was demon; the stench was unmistakable. The other was vampire.

Declan loosened his hands and cracked his neck. It couldn’t be coincidence they were here in New Orleans, on this street in front of this house. He smiled wickedly as his power unfurled. The sensation was like an intense jolt of energy.

It was almost better than sex.

“Guess you’re not the only one looking for this prize.”

Declan shook his head. “I guess not.”

“I suppose it would be a shame to let them get close to him.”

Declan grinned. “A total fucking shame.”

“We should probably kick their asses then, no?”

Declan’s hands burned hot, filled with power. “Copy that.”

He took a step forward and halted just as quick. Shadows that clung to a large oak tree farther down the street began to swirl, wisps of energy that spun ever faster, and seconds later a small form appeared from the darkness.

A woman dropped to the ground and squared her shoulders as she looked toward the two men.

And there was no doubt that she was female; the round curve of her ass couldn’t be mistaken for anything but. She was unaware of their presence, her focus on the two strangers. She shook out long hair that hung nearly to her waist and slowly walked toward the newcomers.

Something about the grace of her limbs as she glided over the road hit a nerve and Declan clenched his teeth. She moved like a dancer, effortless and sensual.

A twinge of unease sat low in his gut as he stared at the woman. There was something about her . . .

“That would be our vampire,” Ransome murmured. “Sexy little thing.”