At Kaden’s nod both he and the teen walked through the gate and turned to face Cale. “You coming?” he asked as the Seraph hesitated.

“You sure he’s got it right? What happens if he screwed up?”

“Your ass will be fried,” Declan answered.

Cale arched a brow. “Good to know.” He then stepped through the protection charm with ease. He looked at Kaden and nodded. “You’re a fast learner.”

The teen seemed a little embarrassed. “Thanks,” he mumbled, and turned, his hands once more shoved into the front pockets of his jeans. He shuffled his way down the path that led to the porch.

“The boy is impressive.”

Declan nodded. “He’s definitely special.”

“He has a darkness inside that troubles me.”

Declan glanced at the warrior as they started down the path. “What do you mean?” He’d not sensed anything out of the ordinary.

They stepped onto the porch and slipped into the house. Cale paused and lowered his voice. “I can see the purity of his soul but it’s surrounded by poison, tinged with the color of blood.”

An ominous feeling washed over Declan at the Seraph’s words.

“Only time will tell if he defeats the parasite that is slowly growing inside of him.”

“None of us are pure of heart. Not even you.” Declan unclenched his hands as his eyes followed Kaden down the hall to the ba

ck kitchen.

“Agreed,” Cale said as he walked by Declan, “which is why he lives.”

Declan ran his hands over his face wearily. Goddamn but he needed some shuteye. He eyed the small settee and blanket he’d abandoned earlier. Fuck it, he thought. A few hours’ sleep would do him good. He wasn’t Cale’s bitch. The dude could make his own breakfast.

From two stories up Ana listened as Declan settled himself onto the settee once more. It had taken everything inside her to resist following him and Kaden from the house earlier, but she trusted the sorcerer. She knew he’d never hurt a child.

The newcomer they’d brought back, however? That was a different story. He frightened her. His energy was different. It was powerful, in the way an ancient was. Their energy was always more subtle. More dangerous.

She jumped from her bed and crossed to the largest window in the attic. Outside, the sun was just beginning to make her way upward and below, the rays only managed to emphasize how tired and neglected her estate had become.

Totally fit the owner.

She moved away from the window, deciding if she didn’t look at it she didn’t have to think about it. Ana quickly changed into clean clothes, freshened up, and then slid down the stairs in silence.

Nico greeted her on the second level. The jaguar warrior was unshaven, dressed in a T-shirt and jeans, his feet bare. She had to admit the Mohawk, while unconventional, somehow suited him. The nose ring? That she could do without.

“Where were you at last night?” Nico’s voice was gruff, as if ill used. She knew from experience the jaguar was a man of few words.

She led the way down the stairs and kept her voice low, though she knew if Declan wanted to listen in, he’d have no problem. “I had to feed.”

Nico grunted at her answer and she paused at the bottom of the stairs, creeping forward softly. She glanced into the parlor, and though it appeared that Declan was fast asleep, she couldn’t be sure. His face looked younger in repose, the lines softer.

An overwhelming urge to touch him, to trace the softness of his mouth tugged at her. As always the hunger she felt for him was there. She turned away, resentful, and headed toward the kitchen.

The nauseating scent of eggs hit her before she entered the room. Kaden and a stranger sat at her table, busily shoving the disgusting crap into their mouths. Nico leaned against the counter, his face stony, his eyes narrowed as he gazed at the two of them.

The tall, imposing man at her kitchen table concerned her. She couldn’t get a read on him.

“Who the hell are you?” Ana asked bluntly.

She crossed to the fridge and grabbed a bag of blood. She felt his gaze on her as she threw the bag into the microwave and pressed the required buttons. Rationally, she knew that if Declan trusted him so should she, but there was something about this man that put her on edge. He made her uneasy, and for a vampire that was saying something.