There was no time to talk, Succubus Blues was around the corner.

“We’ve got five minutes.” Declan’s voice was tense. “There’s no room for fuckups. Keep your head low and don’t make eye contact with anyone. Understand?”

Ana nodded. “Let’s go.”

“I’m serious, Ana.” Something in his tone made her stop and look up. “I can’t lose you.” His lips were tight. “Not now.”

Ana whispered, “I’m not going anywhere”—she flashed a smile—“but up.”

Declan led the way and they followed the sounds of music, voices, and general mayhem that spilled into the street from the club. The square was full, lots of bodies milling about, some fighting, some sexing.

They ignored all and headed straight for the door. A huge mountain of demon was at the door. Ana didn’t remember him from before. She stopped, uneasy.

“No illegals allowed into the club.” The demon nodded toward Daniel and Alex.

“We’re escorting them back to processing,” Declan said smoothly.

“On whose orders?” The demon was not going to make it easy.

“Lilith’s. So unless you want to explain to her why these two puny exports from the human realm were late for processing, I suggest you move your ass.” Declan glared at him and took a step forward. “She wasn’t exactly in a great mood. Her garden party was interrupted.”

The demon stood back though his eyes followed them closely. “Go straight to processing. I don’t need any problems. My shift is almost over.”

The club was loud, the energy even more frenetic than just an hour before. Ana held tight to the teenagers as they followed Declan through the crowd. She felt eyes upon them but ignored everyone save for the man in front of her.

They reached a set of stairs that led to a small alcove up top. Declan paused. He turned around and she didn’t like the frown on his face. He looked down at her, his voice tense.

“Mountain man is still watching us. A bunch of guards are gathering.” He looked at the teens. “Once he sees us take the stairs they’ll be after us.” Declan nodded toward a nondescript door, half in shadow near the end of the bar. “That leads to processing but we’re heading for the phone booth up there.”

Ana thought she’d heard and seen a lot of crazy shit since coming to District Three but this one was clearly bizarre. “A phone booth? Are you for real?”

Declan flashed a smile, seeming to enjoy the absurdity of the moment as much as she. “I told you Lilith is all about Hollywood.” He turned and glanced upward. “That would be her ode to Superman.”

He glanced at the kids. “Ready?”

They nodded.

“Let’s go.”

They took the stairs, legs pumping hard, the kids first. Ana ignored the shouts from behind, though a blast that took out the railing beside her was almost too much. Daniel had the door open and Declan brought up the rear, latching it into place behind them as they piled in.

Alex screamed as a blast hit and they shook from the force of it.

The small booth was in complete darkness. There was no sound and then a blinding light swept over them. Ana experienced a weird distorted sensation. She blinked once and when she opened her eyes, they were standing on the platform.

“There’s no time. The shuttle is moving.” Declan shouted.

The four of them ran like lunatics and panic hit hard as shouts followed in their wake. The shuttle was moving slowly, gearing up to leave; however, once it reached the tunnel there was no way they’d be able to climb aboard. There wasn’t enough room between the vehicle and the wall.

Things slowed down, noises receded into the background. Ana felt like she was one step behind but reached the shuttle first. The door was open and she saw one of Seth’s men motioning, his eyes fixed on the action behind her. She leapt up, ignoring the twinge in her side, and grabbed Alex, hauling her up while Declan cleared the landing with Daniel in tow.

The door slid shut and the shuttle made a loud, creaking noise as it shuddered madly and then accelerated.

The demon looked disgusted. “Nice entry, O’Hara,” he muttered before heading up front.

Ana licked her lips. They were dry. She shivered and began to tremble. Declan’s eyes were huge pools of chocolate and she exhaled a shaky breath as she gazed into them. His arms wrapped around her and he pulled her close, burying his head into the mess of hair that lay in tangles at her neck.

They said nothing and she was content to bask in his embrace, and take what comfort she could. Lord knew she needed it. Her journey was far from over.