He stepped forward, took a cautious glance around, and turned to Ana. “We need to be quick here. From this point until we reach those doors our asses are on the line, totally exposed. Understand? Invisibility charms don’t work down here.”

She nodded, her face grim. “Like the wind,” she said, and before he could react she was gone.

Her preternatural speed carried her forward so quickly, the only evidence left behind was the gentle rustle of the large potted plants that lined the stone steps.

“Son of a bitch,” he muttered as he took off after her, pleasantly surprised when he was able to navigate just as fast. No doubt due to his vamped-up blood.

Declan closed the door behind him and stilled. He was assaulted by the scents of lavender, licorice, and fear. A god-awful combination.

The sound of flies buzzing about rang in his ears, and he shook his head in an effort to clear it. Nothing had changed.

“You okay?”

They were in the dining room. Sunlight streamed through the windows, the beams falling upon a table in disarray. Food that had been left out was rotting, meat already infested with maggots. Glasses were overturned, wine spilled along the floor, and as he approached the table, the scent of blood was added to the mix.

And sex. The unmistakable musk was everywhere.

Ana was talking to him but the words were just sounds. His mind was spinning and images flashed before him, memories from his time here. In this room.

He backed away from the table and swallowed though his throat was dry, his tongue like sandpaper.

“Declan!” Her whisper was harsh, but it was the clawlike ends of her nails that finally snapped him out of it. She dug into his flesh and drew blood.

“We need to go.”

Declan gave himself a mental smack down and felt instant relief when the sounds, smells, and images disappeared.

“This way.” His tone was urgent as he headed for the exit.

They immediately headed upstairs. There was not a soul around—no sound to be heard except faint noises coming from the party at the back of the grounds.

“Are you sure she’s outside?”

They’d reached the landing and Declan crossed to an impressive window. Its treatment was heavy damask; the crimson folds ran floor to ceiling as if encasing the glass in blood. He stood to the side and gazed down at the orgy below.

Lilith was in the middle of it all. She was hard to miss. Her long blond hair hung in silken waves to her ass and her lithe form was covered by the thinnest of silk that did nothing but enhance her figure.

She reclined on a settee of satin, drinking wine and watc

hing her subjects engage in all sorts of nasty business. Her left hand clutched a whip. His mouth tightened. How he’d love to wrap the fucking thing around her neck and pull until her eyes popped.

“Never mind, I see her,” Ana whispered as she stepped close to him. “She’s beautiful.”

“She’s an evil bitch and I hope to never lay eyes on her again.” He turned. “Down here.”

The hall narrowed into a thin line as he gazed toward the opposite end. Her private quarters were there, the double doors nondescript. How fucking ironic.

He made his way there quickly, his footfalls silent on the luxuriously thick carpet.

“Why are there no guards here? It seems careless.” Ana frowned and shook her head. “It doesn’t make sense.”

Declan snorted. “Sheer arrogance on her part, but be prepared. Once we gain access it will be a different story.” He nodded. “Stand back.”

He waited until Ana was a safe distance away and then closed his eyes, concentrating, willing the magick inside him to triple in strength. It stirred. He felt it like a fist in his gut, pushing forward, reaching for him.

Declan’s hands were inches from the door and he began to weave a spell into the air. Her wards were powerful and he concentrated as his charm shone in luminescent splendor. They were long, spidery fingers that bled into the door, infiltrating her protection ward with tenacious intent, like a parasite on the rampage.

When he heard a slight click, Declan’s eyes flew open and he paused. His heart was beating steadily, his nerves cracking wide open.