Ana could barely keep her eyes off Declan as he adjusted a pair of dark glasses. Hers were already in place, which was the only reason she could look and not get caught.

She tore her gaze away. The transport shuttle was an elderly piece of crap metal that shook something fierce as they began their descent. The cargo was a motley bunch, an eclectic group of souls that included both human and otherworld. Their fear was thick. The scent of it nearly overwhelming. They’d been aboard for nearly forty-five minutes and she felt the tension rising rapidly, the closer they came to their objective.

Declan stared out into the darkness, his face grim. She felt him pulling away and hated the distance between them.

She sighed as her gaze traveled to the front where a large glass partition allowed her to see outside the shuttle. They were in a tunnel, one that was similar to a mine shaft. There were overhead bulbs that glowed, the eerie light throwing macabre shadows against rough-hewn walls on either side.

It was hot. The kind of dry heat that burned harsh. Ana’s body self-regulated her temperature so she was able to adjust with no difficulty. The humans amongst the bunch, however, were already suffering miserably. She could only imagine what it would be like once they reached their final destination.

She exhaled, leaned against the steel at her back, and closed her eyes. She ached to touch Declan, to keep his body close to hers, but that was impossible. They were guards, not lovers, and it was imperative they keep their cover intact. The potion he’d ingested, the gift from Samael that had bled into her, would keep their scent masked.

It was up to them to do the rest.

She shook her head, a slight smile tugging at her mouth. Even though the circumstance she found herself in was extreme, it wasn’t unlike many a mission she’d run with Declan years before.

God, how she missed those days.

Slowly her eyes slid open. A jolt ran through her. Declan’s dark eyes were intense as they rested upon her, his glasses gone. They glittered strangely. Instantly her heart sped up and she fought to remain passive. There was much pain reflected in their depths but it was gone just as fast.

She opened her mouth, wanting to whisper some kind of comfort, but he nodded, a sharp jerking motion, and looked away. Ana bit her lip and concentrated on pushing her feelings aside. She needed to tap into the cold bitch that lay in wait, the one who’d do anything to survive and win.

The large weapon she carried was heavy and she adjusted it, her eyes resting on a woman who huddled in a shaking mess two rows back. How the hell she could be cold in this inferno was a mystery. She was filthy, her thin arms covered in needle marks. Her blood scent was sickly, filled with the chemical influence of several different types of illicits. She was young, that was obvious.

Ana wondered how she’d died. What had led her to a path that had taken her straight to Hell. She winced as the woman jerked, her body convulsing in an unnatural manner.

The woman moaned softly, clutched her belly, and then turned to retch. A large shifter sat beside her, his huge frame cr

ammed against the side of the shuttle. He swore loudly and slammed his fist into her face, breaking her nose, sending blood spurting everywhere.

The cry that fell from her mouth was pathetic. Ana took a step forward. It wasn’t her nature to stand by and watch the weak take such abuse. The shifter turned his attention to Ana and growled as his hand went around the woman’s neck. She struggled as he tightened his grip, yet his gaze remained focused on Ana. The bastard smiled, licked his lips.

She took a step forward, a snarl escaping as she took another. The large weapon she carried was quickly pulled into her arms and she pointed it at the shifter.

“Release her at once.”

Declan moved beside her and she was aware that all eyes were now focused on the two of them. She didn’t care.

“Do it now or I’ll blow your fucking head off.”

“You think I care?” the shifter rasped. “I’m already dead and would like nothing more than to escape the shithole I’m headed to.” He barred his teeth. “Do it,” he goaded.

Another moan slid from between the woman’s lips and her legs began to shake as he twisted harder.

“You think if she blows your head off”—Declan nodded toward Ana—“that will be your ticket out of District Three?” Declan’s gaze traveled the room as he spoke. “Sorry to burst your bubble, asshole, but that ain’t the case. You’ve been sentenced to District Three and that means Lilith has you by the balls for as long as she wants.” He aimed his weapon toward the shifter as well and snarled, “Head or no head. She’ll put you back together but you won’t be as pretty as you are now.”

The shifter growled, enraged, and threw the woman onto the floor as he leapt over her. His intent was clear. Ana did not hesitate. She planted a blast dead center of his forehead and felt nothing as his head exploded into a shower of blood, brains, and not much else.

Complete silence filled the shuttle and Ana stepped back, carefully avoiding the mess on the floor. She would have reached for the moaning woman but Declan stepped in front of her.

“Move,” he hissed, his voice low.

He then bent down, yanked the woman back to her seat, ignoring her shriek of pain. He glared at the rest of the group. “I don’t want to hear so much as a whisper ’cause I sure as hell have no qualms about using the rest of you for target practice.” He arched a brow. “Remember, you can’t die here unless Lilith wishes it.” Declan spit on the headless body. “Trust me, he should have played it cool. Lilith has no patience for this shit. He’ll be avoiding mirrors for at least the next century.”

Ana took another step back as Declan turned and nailed her with a furious look. He was at her side in a second and bent low, his breath caressing her cheeks as he whispered in her ear.

“You show weakness like that again and we’re blown wide open. Everyone will know we’re not what we seem. There is no room for mercy down here. At all. Do you understand?”

Ana nodded.