“I love you.”

Those three simple words nearly did him in. In that moment he would have sold his soul ten times over in order to push back the clock, just so he could h

ear them again. And again. I love you.

“Ana.” He cupped her chin and bent until his lips were inches from hers. He opened his mouth wide and took her lips with a fierce need that made him tremble. Her mouth was soft beneath his, her tongue silky as it teased along his own, but it was the taste of her that inflamed his senses.

She tasted like home.

“Ana,” he whispered again into her mouth as his hands held her firmly in place. “I can’t remember a time when you weren’t the thing I wanted the most. It’s like I have no memory before you walked into the briefing room at Quantico.” Her eyes widened at his admission. “I knew my path had just been altered and even though you were involved with Diego I was willing to wait.” A half smile tugged at his mouth. “Christ, did you make me wait.” He brushed his lips across hers once more. “Now that you’re mine I refuse to let you put your life in danger. If anything happened to you . . .”

His face darkened, his voice was grim. “I saw you die once, stood by helplessly while my father ended you.” He shook his head. “I will not go through that again. Lilith makes my father look like a punk-ass Dr. Evil. He had nothing on her. She’s ruthless, conniving, lethal. She feeds on fucking children, for Christ sakes.”

“I don’t care.”

An exasperated grunt slipped from him. “You should care very much. This trip below won’t be a holiday. The chances of surviving are pretty goddamn slim but I have to try. She cannot be allowed to gather the mark of seven”—his voice was hoarse now—“or all will be lost.”

“There’s no way you can stop me, and besides”—her eyes glittered in a strange way, the blue depths shiny like iced diamonds—“you need me.” She angled her head slightly and he groaned as his eyes feasted on the expanse of smooth skin. “I can smell your hunger. You need to feed.”

Quiet fell between them. “I need to feed,” she whispered.

His fangs ached terribly and for a second, time stilled and the floor beneath his feet shifted. He would have fallen save for her strong arms around him.

“Do it, Declan.” Her hands were in his hair, guiding him toward ecstasy. His tongue flicked across her flesh, his teeth scraped along the hollow of her neck. The pain inside him was fierce. He crushed her tightly and sank his fangs into her skin.

Instantly his senses were flooded with an overwhelming surge of power. His cells were on fire, electrified with an insane energy, and one only she could provide. Declan took from her, pulling long draws of blood, and it was all sorts of darkness, power, and sex.

She shuddered against him, her slight body melted into his large frame, and he reacted fiercely. He was hard, his body filled with carnal need. Blood and sex.

Ana’s fingers crept up to his skull and she wrenched away from him, her chest heaving, her eyes gone fully black. “My turn,” she said hoarsely. Her fangs were fully distended, her hair was about her shoulders in a mad tangle of auburn.

She was the most beautiful thing he’d ever encountered and the emotions that pummeled him as she gathered him once more, and sank her fangs into his flesh, was indescribable.

His hand slid down to her ass. He held her tight against his erection and they moved together slowly, their bodies gyrating to a rhythm only they could hear.

Each draw of blood she took from him had his cock twitching hard and he groaned as she continued to feed. Awash in the knowledge that he sustained her. It was a powerful thought. Sobering.

Declan had no clue how long the two of them rocked together, oblivious to their surroundings and the path they’d be taking soon. It could have been minutes or hours.

A not so subtle cough ruined the euphoria and intensity of the moment. Reluctantly he loosened his hold, resting his forehead against hers as they evened out their emotions.

“Snack time’s over, kids. Your ride to Lilith’s Hell leaves in five minutes.”

Declan raised his head and nodded. He glanced down at Ana and knew there was no way to stop her. He shook his head. “Are you sure?”

She nodded but remained silent.

Declan stepped away, rolled his shoulders, and tossed a smile at the demon, Seth. “Let’s do this.”

Ana followed Seth from the room and he pushed down the cold lump of fear in his gut. Hell knew, he’d led a life most unexpected. One filled with extreme highs and lows. Was it about to end for real? He knew Lilith would fry him alive if she had the opportunity.

He just hoped he was able to get the teens to safety and his woman out before she did.

Chapter 26

The trip to District Three would take about an hour. Seth had arranged for Declan and Ana to replace the guards who escorted newbies sentenced below. They loaded up just outside the dunes and headed into the center of the largest one. A gaping hole opened allowing them entrance and then swallowed them.

The uniforms they’d been given rocked, the fabric was black, light, and form-fitting. Declan told her they were fireproof.