“I want back into District Three.”

Seth’s mouth tightened. “I know.”

Declan shot a look at Ana. What exactly had she shared?

“I’d like to speak to you in private.”

“There’s no need. I know what it is you seek.”

Declan blew out hot breath, cracked his neck in an effort to relieve the tension that knotted his shoulders. Ana was now staring at him as if he had two fucking heads.

“You’ll get me in?” he asked again, ignoring the vampire even as he took a step toward her.

“Us in . . .” she interjected quietly.

“Ana, you will stay out of this.” Anger bled through his words. Would the woman never listen? He turned from her and addressed the demon. “I want her out of here. Topside.”

Seth snorted. “You seem to want a lot for someone who’s my prisoner.”

“I don’t have time for games,” Declan growled, and flexed his fingers. He knew he wasn’t at full strength, but damn, he could still do some damage. Inflict pain.

“What’s in it for me?” The demon’s eyes lingered on Ana and Declan growled, not liking the way his eyes rested on the vampire.

“Don’t go there unless you want me to rip you a new one.”

Seth laughed. “Still so arrogant.” The laughter quickly died. “In case you haven’t noticed, sorcerer, you’re on my turf”—he gestured—“and I have dominion over all of it.”

“No shit,” Declan growled. He took another step until his tall frame effectively cut Ana from the demon’s view. “I’m here to make a deal, so can we get on with it?”

Seth exhaled slowly, as if he were bored, or would rather be elsewhere, but Declan knew better. The demon hated Lilith. Their animosity was legendary.

“For safe passage to District Three”—Declan nodded—“for the return of Ana topside, I will get you Nefertari’s stone.”

“Nice try, Declan, but I’m not going anywhere,” Ana piped up from behind him.

Declan clenched his jaw painfully. He was irritated, pissed off, but ignored the vampire. Instead he watched as Seth considered his words. He knew his bargain held interest. The necklace was the demon’s most coveted prize and Lilith had it. He’d had an obsession with the Nefertari for thousands of years.

Seth turned to him, his answer abrupt. “Done.”

Declan smiled and nodded.

“Except for the part where I return Ana topside.”

Declan’s smile turned into a growl. “I’m not negotiating.”

Seth shrugged. “I’ve already made a deal with your vampire. Sorry.” The demon waved his hand and the door flew open. He paused. “I’d work out your differences if I were you. District Three is unforgiving.” He nodded toward Declan. “I know it’s been, what, two years? Trust me, nothing’s changed.”

Seth stepped out into the hall. “You’ve got one hour so make the most of it. I will make the arrangements.”

The door closed, leaving them alone.

Declan paced. The anger, the hunger inside was nearly too much to bear with Ana so close. He couldn’t look at her. He didn’t know what he wanted to do more—fucking strangle her, kiss her silly, or grab her to his body, sink his fangs into her neck, and feed.

It scared him, this beast that now existed inside. A loss of control skittered along the edge of his mind, but he pushed it back. He needed to focus.

“Declan.” Her soft voice was hesitant and yet it set him off, unleashed the fury inside him.

“What the hell are you thinking?” He turned on her and took two strides until he was inches away. His mouth ached, but Declan held on, forced his fangs back. He would maintain control. He would figure this out.