He didn’t want her to find out the truth of his relationship with Lilith. Would she still want him if she knew? Bond or no bond?

“I need to get you out of here.” He tried to grab her, but she moved quickly. He’d forgotten how fast she was.

Ana grinned down at him as she stood atop a sand dune ten feet away. She wanted to play hard, so be it. He took a step forward, unaware of the forces gathering close until it was too late.

Two large demons appeared out of thin air, one on either side of the vampire. She didn’t have a chance and cursed a blue streak as she was taken into custody. Before he could do anything, he, too, was surrounded. He hissed his displeasure, his dark eyes narrowed accusingly onto Ana.

She stared down at him, chin raised, lips tight.

“Trespass.” The word was grunted from the demon closest to him. Declan arched a brow. “That’s a good word. All you got?” It never ceased to amaze how fucking dumb most of these soldiers were. He knew better than to put up a fight. There were too many. He needed to conserve his energy. To plot.

His only hope was that the demons worked for Seth. If not, his and Ana’s trip to the dunes of District One was going to be short.

And painful.

Chapter 25

They’d been separated for what seemed hours. Declan was nearly going mad, and not just because he had no freaking clue where they’d taken Ana.

He was hungry. He closed his eyes and the world was washed in crimson. Blood was all he could think about. If he could, he’d charm a fucking keg of the damn stuff into his prison, but that was beyond his capabilities.

His booted foot kicked the door again, though a yell didn’t accompany it this time. It was no use. No one was there to listen.

His gaze traveled the small room he’d been tossed in, methodically running over the gray stone walls for the hundredth time. He growled in frustration. The entire area was fortified with iron. He could feel it and knew the bloody stuff severely hindered his magick.

He ran his hand over the stubble that covered his jaw. Fuck me.

An echo outside his chamber had him holding his breath, coiling what power he had into his gut.

He might be in for a major ass kicking but he’d give as good as he got. He clenched his hands into fists, spread his legs, and eyed the door. Footsteps sounded, slow and measured. His breaths were coming faster than he’d like, but it was next to impossible to tame the beast within him.

It wanted out. It wanted the darkness.

When the footsteps stopped outside the door he readied himself to fight. Slowly it swung open.

It was Ana.

Her eyes were downcast, the long lashes hiding whatever was reflected in their depths. He saw how her hands trembled and the rage that he felt, the hot anger that swept over him nearly brought him to his knees.

What had they done to her?

Someone was there, just beyond the doorway.

“If you’ve touched a hair on her head I’ll rip you to pieces,” he barked.

Ana looked up then and he was taken aback by the sorrow in her gaze. It was quickly hidden and she looked away from him.

An uneasy silence fell into the room. What the hell was going on?

A tall man strode by her. It was the demon Seth. His face was grim.

“O’Hara.” Seth nodded as the door closed behind them. “You’re one sorry son of a bitch I never thought to see again.” The demon was tall, with powerful shoulders, white blond hair, and winter blue eyes. They were unnerving and he knew it. He was dressed in leather, with many tattoos adorning his flesh. None were the special kind that Samael sported.

Seth arched a brow and frowned. “You have a death wish these days?”

Declan glanced at Ana, but she was still overly engaged in staring at the stone floor.

He turned to Seth. Time was running out.