Samael’s eyes narrowed, though he remained silent.

“I have no clue what your involvement is and honestly don’t give a shit as to your reasons. If you know where Declan is, share now or get the fuck out of my way.”

“What would you do, what deal would you sign, in order to get what you want?”

Ana swallowed carefully. What the hell was he getting at?

“I don’t want to play games, demon. I’d do anything.” A lump of dread rolled over in her belly and she hitched her breath.

For Declan, she’d sell her soul.

The heat of his breath touched her skin and she tried not to grimace, though the distaste she felt was more than apparent. She’d never been this close to a demon before. Their energy was intense, but tainted with such darkness that it made her nauseous.

“Good to know,” he whispered, “because where you’re going you might very well have to sign your pretty little ass over to the queen bitch of Hell.”

“Lilith,” she whispered.

Samael nodded. “She has a hard-on for your boy. She won’t play nice with anyone she sees as a threat.”

Ana bit her lip. “What do you mean?”

Samael pushed away from her, turned, and walked for a bit. “He’s not shared his time in Hell?”

“No.” Ana stared at him, wishing the unease that filled her would go away. She thought of the scars that adorned Declan’s chest. Of the pain that sat in his eyes when he thought no one would notice.

“It’s not my place to spill another’s secrets.” Samael turned to her, his fingers crooked as he gestured for her to come to him. Slowly she took the steps needed until she was inches from the demon. “You are brave, I’ll give you that. Most would run, hide from me.”

“Most don’t have something worth losing.”

He placed his hands upon her shoulders and stared directly into her eyes. When he spoke, his lips didn’t move, though his words echoed inside her head.

I know you’ve pledged your allegiance to Askelon, whom you know as Bill. It is for that reason only I’ve not ended your life. You will not mention my name to anyone, or my affiliation to your sorcerer. If you do I will end you. I’ve no problem doing with that. Understand?

Ana nodded, her mouth dry. His words were direct, cold, and there was no doubt he meant them.

The sorcerer is on his way to a demon, Seth. This demon hates Lilith more than anyone, save perhaps for your man O’Hara. I will get you there, but be warned, you’re on your own.

A flash of light had her wincing as a rush of wind ripped through her hair, and a roaring in her ears left her off balance. Ana staggered back and when the world righted, when everything stopped spinning, she stilled.

It was like she’d been dropped into the middle of the Sahara except there was no sunshine, only the eternal fog. It slid between huge sand dunes that surrounded her. The air was dry, biting, as it caressed her skin.

Her hand clutched a large, serrated dagger. She stared at it in confusion.

Howls erupted to her left, the kind that signale

d something new stalking the night. It was familiar. Ana crouched low, her eyes scanning for a way out. She knew what was out there amongst the shadows.

Hellhounds. She smiled, a harsh slash of white in the gloom. Guess Samael wasn’t such a bastard after all. He’d plunked her down in the middle of a rabid pack of dogs, yet he’d supplied her with a weapon.

A real gentleman.

Growls, moans, and howls lit up the night. Ana had no choice and took off running, desperately trying to seek cover. Her boots sank in the sand and she found it hard to keep her balance. She scrambled up a large dune, crested it, and fell head over heels all the way down the other side.

Jesus fuck! She spit dirt from her mouth but was up and running. The damn things could be heard, their stench rose into the air but she couldn’t see them.


She slid between two large dunes, the long mounds giving some sort of cover from the endless wind and sand. Her chest was heaving, her mind on red alert. A whisper of energy caught her attention. Shadows moved along the edge of the dunes but she was afraid to venture deeper into the crevice for fear she’d become trapped.