He inhaled a quick, even breath. Sex was heavy in the air, as was the scent of blood. The room was small, dingy, and save for the gaping hole in the window, there was nothing but rumpled sheets showing the evidence of O’Hara’s passion play.

Blinds banged loudly against the window frame as the wind whistled into the room. Samael crossed to the gaping hole and looked below. He was ten stories up and though it was quite a drop, he knew it was nothing for a vampire to navigate.

Question was . . . how the hell had she managed to break O’Hara’s charm?

He stilled, nostrils flared, and heard the sharp pounding of feet on the cobbled streets below. She was on the run.

Samael laughed, low vibrations falling flat as he kicked out the rest of the glass and slid his large body through the opening. He stood atop the ledge, his gaze roving over his dominion below.

He took a step and fell into the night.

Chapter 23

Ana hit the ground running and didn’t stop. Her lithe body flew down the darkened streets as she navigated through a maze she swore hadn’t existed hours earlier. The wind howled in her ear and wet hair was slick against her skin. The rain was falling in sheets and she wiped excess from her eyes as she scanned the area ahead.

Unfortunately the rain made it next to impossible to follow Declan’s scent. She would have to go deep, try a different approach. Was their bond solid enough for her to find him on a mental path?

Ana sent out a tentative bite, careful to keep it low-key, not wanting to attract any predators. But there was no answer.

She paused by the watchtower, surprised that she’d found her way back to pretty much where she’d started. A wave of frustrated anger swept over her and she tried to tamper the fury. When she finally got her hands on Declan O’Hara, a bunch of nasty demons were going to be the least of his worries.

To the left was Club Doom. She glanced in that direction and took a step forward. Declan had been there for a reason. But what was it? Her eyes narrowed and she headed toward the club. The blond demon might know something. Ana’s fangs throbbed. She was in the mood to kick ass big-time.

She’d taken only a few steps when a tingle crept up the back of her skull. Someone was there, just behind her. She cracked her fingers open slowly, though she was careful to keep them at her side. She continued along, her steps sure, measured, but all her senses were open, seeking that which stalked her.

The mist was so thick she couldn’t see her feet and grimaced as she slid over a sticky substance. Her chest tightened, muscles bunched.

She took another step and whirled around, a dirge of hair, nails, and fangs. Her nose immediately connected with a hard chest. She dug in, smiling as her nails cut through leather.

But the bastard was too large, too strong, too much demon. Dark shadows erupted around them, swirling about their bodies, and she closed her eyes—it’s not like she could see anyway—and went limp.

“What the—?” He was surprised. Good.

She hissed and lunged forward, her claws grasping him around the shoulders as she went for the jugular. His hands twisted into her rib cage and he applied just enough pressure that she felt one of them crack.

She knew she wasn’t strong enough to defeat him. Not physically. She let go and was thrown to the ground. The cobblestone was uneven and she landed on her side. Hard.

Ana lay there for several seconds, her breaths falling in painful draws. Her teeth had grazed his flesh. She’d scored a drop of his blood, and it had been enough to tell her he was more powerful than she’d first thought.

It wasn’t juiced up with the poison the lower ranks carried in their veins. It was pure, raw power.

She turned over slowly and glared up at the demon. The fog parted just so and a sliver of light illuminated him from behind. He looked like a bloody angel.

He grinned down at her, had the audacity to stretch out his hand as if to offer help. She tossed him an are-you-fucking-joking-me look and carefully got to her feet.

“Feisty little thing, aren’t you?” The tall demon’s hand dropped back to his side, but she was well aware he held his arms loose, at the ready.

“You get your kicks stalking women who are smaller than you?” She made an effort to keep her voice neutral but wasn’t so sure i

t was working. His smiled widened and she wanted nothing more than to punch the asshole. To smash his nose and mar what was without a doubt one hell of a handsome face.

He studied her in silence and Ana tried not to panic but she knew she needed to play this cool. She couldn’t chance being outed. She needed to get to Declan.

“We’re in District One. Anyone is fair game. You’d best learn that, newbie.”

Fear clutched at her. Newbie. Did he know? She eyed him warily and took a step away, wincing as a shot of pain splintered across her rib cage.

Christ, it felt like he’d broken at least two ribs. She exhaled slowly and grimaced.