The two women jogged through the overgrown grass and around the large trees that littered her yard. They stopped a few feet from the teenager and Ana touched a finger to her lips, indicating silence as they watched the boy.

Kaden drew intricate charms into the air. They fell from his fingers, thin webs of silken magick that shimmered for a few seconds before disappearing. Soft words fell from his lips and Ana frowned as she listened. They were strange, melodic words she’d never heard before.

His arms were spread and she took another step closer. The weight of his power filled the air and she shook her head in amazement as the wards Declan had placed around her home began to glow.

Holy shit, the kid was going to get it done.

A soft grunt fell from Kaden and he stumbled to the right. Ana would have grabbed him, but he quickly righted himself and whispered, “No.”

She stood back and let him continue.

A low-grade hissing stirred in the wind and small spidery cracks formed in the air, glowing red hot before vanishing once more. Kaden was breathing heavily but walked toward the edge of the property, hands outstretched, strange words still falling from his lips.

The invisible prison walls sparked in several successive showers of energy and a breeze swept along the ground. Rain pressed against her skin from the force of it, little bullets of wetness that stung.

Kaden held his hands high; macabre shadows danced between the sheets of rain as his fingers illuminated in short, bright bursts. Ana glanced back at the house, but it lay in darkness. Francesca stared past her at the teenager, and Ana watched her eyes widen.

A slight pop fizzled into the night. Ana turned just as the entire length of her property shimmered like glass. Luminescent cracks formed and then darkness claimed all of it.

She took a hesitant step, and then another until she was inches from Kaden. His tall, lean, frame trembled but he looked at her, a grin wiping the strain from his face.

“I did it.” He pointed and cocked his head. “You feel like taking a walk in the rain?”

Ana bit her lip and winced as she approached the property line and carefully pushed her hand forward. Her fingertips slid through a layer of energy but there was nothing left to repel her.

Kaden had defeated Declan’s powerful mojo. Damn.

She touched his cheek. “You need to shore these up again and stay in the house. Can you do that?”

Kaden shook his head. “I’m coming with you.”

“No!” Ana shook her head. “Definitely not. You’re going to stay behind and not breathe a word to anybody. When they realize Francesca and I are missing, shit is going to fly. I need you to keep a cool head, understand?”

He opened his mouth but Ana interrupted, her voice softer. “Kaden, I can’t do this if I’m worrying about you. I need to know you’re safe. If you’re here with Nico and Ransome’s boys I won’t worry, but you have to promise me you’ll stay, or I can’t help Declan. I won’t leave you unprotected.”

Kaden was silen

t, his face dark.

“I mean it,” she reiterated. “This isn’t a game. It’s life and death, and your butt is on the chopping block, are we clear?”

“Yeah, I get it.” His tone was belligerent, but she knew he’d listen. “Just . . .”

Ana pulled him close into a quick tight hug. “What?”

Kaden moved away, hunched his shoulders forward. “Come back.”

She kissed him on the forehead, smiled at his blush. “Stay safe and I’ll be back. Do not leave Nico’s side, understand?”

A whisper of energy sizzled along the air. They were no longer alone. “Ransome’s wolves are making their rounds.” She looked toward Francesca. “We need to hightail it. Where are we going?”

The necromancer’s face tightened. “The Grease Pit.”

Ana raised an eyebrow. “What’s that exactly?”

Francesca moved past her. “A diner near the Quarter.”

“A diner?” she repeated in disbelief.