Cale rested his head back and whispered, “A long way from here.”

They traveled to an airstrip on the outskirts of New Orleans, and it wasn’t long before Declan was chilling in the cabin of one of the most luxurious jets he’d ever seen.

He placed a call to the Voodoo Lounge while waiting for the plane to taxi to the runway. Ransome picked up on the first ring.

“Where the hell are you?” the werewolf growled. He sounded on edge and Declan sat a little straighter, his face set in a frown.

“I’m heading out of town for a bit.” He had to make a decision. Include the werewolf in the details or leave him in the dark. “Not sure how long I’ll be gone.”

“For fuck sakes, O’Hara. I don’t need this shit. You dump your crap at my door and then leave? What the hell is up with that?”

“Everything all right, LaPierre? You’re sounding a little stressed.”

The werewolf growled into the phone. “I’m fine. Hell, I’m fucking peachy.” There was a pause. “There’s been a challenge in my pack for alpha. On top of your shit it’s just one more thing to deal with.”

“Sorry to hear that.”

“Whatever. Where you headed?”

Declan paused, exhaled slowly, and dove in. “I’m going to Hell.”

“Buddy, I could have told you that, years ago.”

Declan smiled at the wolf’s sarcastic comment. “No, this is for real. I’m heading down to the shithole lower realm. They’ve got their hands on two of the seven marks.”

There was a long pause as Ransome digested the information. “I hate to say it but that sucks freaking horse balls.”

Declan smiled at the wolf’s analogy. “I’d say no worries but who the hell am I kidding? I just . . . while I’m gone I need to know that Ana and the rest of my crew are safe. Can I count on you for some extra bodies to watch the DeLacrux mansion?”

“I’ve already sent a few more of my boys over. Don’t worry, I’m still in charge. I’ll head over myself later


Declan was relieved to hear this. “I owe you.”

“Yeah, I’m keeping track.”

“Just so you know, Ana might be pissed when you see her so I’d stay the hell out of her way.”

“Why? What have you done now?”

“I wove a spell into the wards that will make it impossible for her to slip through. It’s for her protection.” And mine. “Don’t spill what’s going on. I need to focus and not worry about her or the boy.”

“What do I say when she asks where you are?”

“Tell her . . .” His voice trailed off as he glanced out the window into the darkness. He had no idea what the hell to say. “Tell her I’m sorry I wasn’t enough.” He paused. “I’ll be in touch.”

“That’s the corniest fucking thing I’ve ever heard. Shit, if Ana grills me I’ll make something up. Trust me. It’s not in your best interest to let her know she’s got you by the balls.”

Declan’s mouth pinched in anger. “My balls are secure, thanks. Forget I said anything.”

“Whatever. Don’t worry about the vampire. I’ll have my boys double the patrols in and around the Garden District. They’ll pay special attention to the DeLacrux mansion and I won’t be far along.” The wolf paused. “After I deal with Asher.”

“Asher?” Declan’s mouth thinned at the mention of the werewolf. He was no fan.

“Don’t ask.”

He didn’t.