Declan digested the information. “So if anyone found out about your affiliation with this secret group you’d pretty much be toast.”

“You’re smarter than you look, O’Hara.” Cale paused once more. Lines of tension crept over his features and there was no doubt as to the seriousness of the situation. “Our organization has been in operation for millennia. There are whispers of our existence, bands of information that twist in the wind only to disappear as we act upon them. There are those who would hunt us, but our identities remain dark, unknown. Even amongst ourselves all is not revealed. Our inner sanctum cannot be breached or all is lost.”

Declan thought of Ana. “Is DeLacrux part of your gang?”

Cale shrugged. “I’m not sure what Bill’s plans are for your lady.”

Declan walked a bit, taking a few moments to digest all he’d heard. Abruptly he turned back to Cale. “Seems to me information about this exclusive club of yours isn’t offered up freely. Why you including me in the loop? What’s the catch?”

“For this to work, for you to successfully retrieve those kids, you need to know everything. Samael is involved. Heavily. His safety is paramount. He’s much too valuable an operative in our organization to chance his safety.”

“But my ass is expendable,” Declan observed dryly.

“No offense.”

“None taken.”

Cale’s mouth twitched but there was no humor in his eyes as he studied the sorcerer. “Consider this an initiation of sorts.”

“You mean I don’t get a free pass?”

“Your initiation will come fast and hard. Hell is not for the weak.” Cale spoke quietly.

“That’s a fucking understatement.” Declan’s bitterness couldn’t be hidden. The physical pain doled out in the lower realm was impressive but it was the mind games that brought down the mightiest of warriors. Declan had barely hung on, and some nights only thoughts of Ana had gotten him through.

“Great.” Declan arched a brow. “So how will I know I passed?”

Cale waited as a couple strolled by and turned. “That’s easy.”

“Yeah?” Declan fell into step beside the Seraph.

“Sure. You make it out alive. That means you’ve passed.”

“Good to know,” Declan murmured.

Cale’s cell phone rang and he quickly dug it from the pocket of his jeans. He didn’t speak a word, just listened intently and then turned away from Decatur.

“Aren’t we headed back to the Lounge?”

“No.” Cale nodded toward a sleek black limo that was parked a few blocks away. “We’re meeting Samael at the Gate.”

“The Gate?”

“The Devil’s Gate.” They reached the car and a driver immediately stepped out, opening the door with a respectful greeting. Declan waited until they were inside to ask for a little elaboration.

“What the hell is the Devil’s Gate?”

He sank into the soft leather and the interior was immediately flooded with the earthy tones of jazz. It was a whisper of smoke and whiskey. Declan relaxed as the sound infiltrated the small space.

Cale offered a cigar but Declan refused. He watched as the Seraph ran the thick stogie under his nose and then gripped it tight between his lips. “It’s a location where it’s safe for us to gather.”

He was being evasive.

“In New Orleans?”

“No. A place called The Pines.”

“Where’s that exactly?” Declan’s tone was sharp but he was getting fed up with playing twenty questions.