The invisible restraints slipped from her limbs but Ana remained still, biding her time. And of that, there wasn’t a whole hell of a lot. She was getting weaker by the second.

Declan snarled and took a step toward Lilith. “Things have changed. I’m no longer without magick. My power has been infused by your darkness, why else would I take from you now?”

“You belong to me,” Lilith hissed.

Declan ignored her. “My power has been balanced and magnified tenfold by the Seraphim.” He snorted. “I’ve got a newsflash for you. You’re the queen of fuck-all.”

He charged forward and smacked her so hard, a tooth went flying. The shriek that escaped Lilith was wretched enough to break glass. She staggered backward and Declan kicked her hard once more.

He turned to Ana. “Run.”

She rolled over and was up on her feet, though a wave of dizziness made it difficult to stay upright.

“You will regret this,” Lilith bellowed. “No one touches me like that.” She growled like an animal and lunged forward, screaming in frustration as she tried to get to Declan, but was held back.

“The only thing I regret is the fact I can’t toast you

r ass when we leave.” Declan’s hands wove a spell and though the queen fought like hell, her arms slowly fell to her sides and her mouth was sewn shut. “That’s better. You’re more annoying that nails on chalkboard.”

A strangled sound escaped her, but nothing more fell from Lilith’s lips.

An arm touched Ana’s shoulder and she turned, shocked to see Daniel and Alex.

The three of them watched as Declan stood inches from the impotent queen of Hell. His hands hovered above her face and Ana felt a sliver of triumph when she saw the demon flinch.

Declan’s fingers lifted the heavy chain that hung from her neck and he yanked it over her head, hard, taking a huge chunk of hair with it. Lilith fell to her knees, chest heaving as she struggled against the invisible restraints.

“You will never be free of me.” She spit the words out and fell over, exhausted from the effort it took to speak.

Declan turned, his eyes pained as they connected with Ana’s. “That I don’t doubt,” he muttered.

Ana wavered on her feet. She needed blood. Declan offered his wrist and she latched on as he addressed the teens. “We need to vamoose. My magick won’t hold her for long.” A growl slid from the ever-present fog. The hellhounds were stirring.

“You got enough?” He was breathing hard. Ana licked one last drop, ignored the “ew” that Daniel muttered, and shook her head. She was good to go.

“Declan . . .” I’m so sorry. God, what you went through.

Declan started forward. “We need to get out.” His face was harsh and it was obvious conversation was the last thing on his mind.

They exited the room and rushed down the stairs. Daniel and Alex had no trouble keeping up, but with the urgency of the situation and rescue close at hand, it wasn’t surprising.

They flew across the terrace and as they entered the maze shouts and screams followed behind them.

Declan shouted. “Move, faster!”

Ana grabbed Alex and dragged her along, her legs flying over the path they’d trod earlier. The hellhound was where they’d left it, and she leapt over the animal, Declan and the boy close on her heels.

Dark, thunderous clouds gathered overhead, an insane screech flew from within their depths. Alex whimpered and Ana chanced a glance upward. Hundreds of small, black, daggerlike things flew from their midst and her eyes widened in horror as they focused.

They looked like deranged cockroaches with giant wings and big-ass fangs.

Ana had never seen anything like it.

“They’re full of poison. Don’t let them get close enough to bite.” Declan shot a bolt of energy up at the sky as they plunged into the cool depths of the forest. No words were spoken, fear clogged her throat.

They skidded to a halt near the black wall and Declan peeled back the layer of darkness. Ana shoved the girl through, clenching her teeth as one of the roaches zipped by. She jumped after her and whirled around as Declan and Daniel slipped through.

Declan held his hand aloft and the wall fell in place, though a roach squeezed by at the last second. Its fire engine red eyes blazed as it locked onto Ana. She snarled, but Declan toasted the little bastard before it could reach her.