“Um, her . . . like boyfriend or something.” Daniel glanced away.

Hot anger ripped through her and she hissed at the ferocity of it. “Go now and hold tight to your position near the door.” She turned and peered through the swirling fog. “Can you make this thicker? Dense?”


“Do it and wait for me.”

Exhilaration rushed through her. A cool wind swept along the ground and teased the fog into a heavy shroud that coated her fully.

Boyfriend? She tossed the notion aside. As fucking if.

“He’s mine,” she muttered.

Her booted feet crept silently upon the stone floor. She was wound as tight as a rattlesnake about to strike, yet her hands were loose, at the ready.

Carefully she crept toward the voices. One—Declan’s—was raised in anger, while the other—Lilith’s—was coy, smug. She saw soft light ahead, filtered through the dense fog.

She hoped with the cover afforded by Daniel, Lilith wouldn’t be aware of her presence. She took another step, her breath held in anticipation of the fight.

“There you are. I’ve been dying to meet the little bitch Declan pined for the entire time I had him.”

The voice was sickly sweet, plastic, and full of shit.

It was Lilith. Her cover was blown. The pretense was over as quickly as it had begun.

Ana slid from the darkness and stepped into the light.

Chapter 31

The woman was a whore.

Every inch of her naked flesh screamed wanton tramp. She hid it well, behind the mask of an angel, but Ana saw past it. The decay was there, beneath the surface, you just had to look.

Ana kept her face emotionless as she stared at the naked bitch; her own mask of sorts. Inside rage lingered, festered, and pulled at her until she was barely able to contain herself. She wanted to rip her nails across the perfect, creamy flesh and choke the life out of the witch.

It was impossible of course. Lilith was one hell of an adversary. Ana would have to play it cool if they dared grab a chance to leave this screwed-up version of Hell they’d fallen into.

Instead she squared her shoulders and stood with legs spread wide, hands loose at her side. She knew Declan was there, just beyond Lilith. She could smell him.

“This is your vampire?” The tall blonde arched an eyebrow and laughed. “Declan, I’m surprised.” Lilith moved aside, uncaring of her nudity, and gently swept a long golden curl behind her ear. Her breasts lifted, just so, and the smile that graced her lips would make a Cheshire cat proud.

Ana’s gaze narrowed onto drops of blood near her right breast, twin smears of crimson against porcelain. Lilith turned slightly, looked behind her, and shook her head. “She’s less than ordinary and so small.”

She saw him.

Ana’s breath caught in her throat and pain lanced across her heart. Declan was shirtless. The scars along his chest, the ones she’d kissed with love, were smothered in blood. His blood.

She swallowed, her gaze rose slowly, and she blanched when she met his eyes. They were flat, his face hard, full of anger. His gaze narrowed and Ana was more than a little pissed to realize his anger was aimed directly at her.

There was accusation, disbelief thrown in as well.

She tried to ignore the crimson that shone upon his lips, but couldn’t.

He’d fed from Lilith.

“She doesn’t smell like a vampire.” Lilith’s gaze returned to Ana. “She smells like demon.” Her eyes narrowed. “You’ve been feeding from my boys.” The china-doll face cracked, the eyes no longer sky blue but crimson. “You’ve been feeding from my Declan.”

It took all sorts of mental strength for Ana to remain quiet.