“—kiss,” she whispered, placing her hands upon his chest and pulling herself up onto her toes.

The heat of her was everywhere. Her scent was inside his body. He glanced out the large window behind the sitting area, alarmed to see most of the backyard oasis had disappeared as a blanket of gray preceded the onslaught of the trojans. Color was bleeding out of her purgatory as fast as blood seeping from a wound.

They had maybe a minute, most likely less.

Her hand hardened against his jaw, he felt her nails puncture his skin and she pulled him down toward her. He could have resisted, pulled away from her touch, and yet he didn’t. Was he fucking crazy?

I want her.

And then her lips were on his, hesitant at first, like a whisper of silk gliding across his mouth. He heard his heart beating fast and furious, felt the tightening of every muscle in his body, and knew he needed to grab her and run.

But desire was a traitorous bitch with no care as to whom she put under her spell. Just one touch, he thought, as his large hand sank into the thick hair at her nape. With a groan he pulled her flush against his body and his tongue slid inside her warmth.

Chapter Twelve


Dimly she was aware of the noise from outside—the dog, the trojans, the thing who wanted her dead—and yet it meant nothing. In this moment—in this room, in this place that existed on another plane entirely—the only thing that mattered was the man who held her.

He was something she’d never had before.

Logan kissed her long and hard, his lips sliding across hers with a boldness that electrified her. His tongue plunged deep and the feel of him inside her mouth drove her crazy. She took from him with aggressive abandon, her tongue stroking, sucking, exploring with equal fervor.

His taste was primal, his scent wholly male, and Kira’s head spun. Never in all of her imaginings had she thought it would feel like this. She clung to him like a weakling, as if she would lose herself if she let go.

Her body was hot and cold, heated and wet. The ache that erupted between her legs was intense—a pounding dance of desire—and she clenched her thighs together, trying to ease the pressure. But it was no use. Her hands dug into him, pulling at his shoulders, wanting to imprint her body along the hard length of him. Her tongue danced along his, tasting and teasing, as they locked together in a passionate embrace that left them both breathless.

Was it the danger? The absolute knowledge that she was about to jump headfirst into an unknown that she might never recover from, that made this so thrilling?

Logan broke away first and she looked up at him, across the harsh light that flickered along his jaw and left half of his face in shadow. His chest heaved and he thrust her away from him, swearing in that freaky language that she didn’t understand.

Her hand crept up to her lips, swollen from the passion and fury of his kiss. Every single cell in her body tingled with an awareness that she’d never felt before. It was everything she’d wanted and so much more.

It was the perfect first kiss.

A crash sounded from below, followed by a roar that echoed through the house. The hair on the back of Kira’s neck stood on end and her heart nearly jumped into her throat.

“We’re out of time.” His eyes morphed into deep crimson and she shivered at the furiou

s look that graced their depths. “Move back. I need to shift. It’s the only way I can take you through the portal.” His voice lowered, the timbre gruff and dangerous. “When I’m ready, grab hold of me and don’t let go.”

She could only nod.

“It’s gonna be tight and there are no guarantees. I hope a kiss was worth it.”

Her fingers crept up to touch her lips once more.

Mist crawled along Logan’s legs as his clothes disappeared and his body elongated and shifted. Time slowed into long seconds of bones popping, rumbling growls, and eyes that burned red. It was fascinating and horrifying to watch, but Kira was riveted.

Another crash sounded, this time much closer. She swallowed thickly and tried to ignore the lump that sat in her stomach like a stone, as she turned toward the door to her bedroom. It was on its hinges, splinters of wood strewn everywhere, and the large, gaping hole was filled with trojans.

A blinding light emanated from the space between them, flickering along the ceiling in a kaleidoscope of golden rainbows that slowly engulfed the entire room. She blinked and nearly fell over as a large furry head shoved her back toward the closet.

A snarl escaped the hellhound and for one second Kira’s gaze was caught and held by Logan’s fiery red eyes. He bared his teeth and the rumbling that sounded from his chest was terrifying to hear.

Move back!

Startled, she froze instead, shaking her head at the weird sensation of hearing Logan’s voice inside her brain.