“You’ve thought of everything,” she said, reaching for him.

“I tried to.” He flashed a grin and pulled her close. “The outbuilding, I’ll eventually convert to my workshop, and we’ve got two acres of land to play with.”

“How many bedrooms?” she asked, resting her cheek against his chest.

“Three in addition to ours.”

“That sounds about right,” she murmured, tilting her chin upward. “We can fill them with lots of babies.”

“We can.” He nuzzled her neck and felt her breath quicken. “It’s a lot of work, though.” He nipped at her and moved to her mouth. “Making them, I mean.”

“Work?” Her voice was low and throaty. “I think practice is a better word, don’t you?”

“Yeah, that’s it.” He tugged at her bottom lip. “Practice.”

“Maybe we should start some of that practicing,” she said, reaching for the edge of his T-shirt.

“Maybe we should.” Already painfully hard with need, he helped her out and tossed his shirt. Her hands were at his zipper, and, in less time than it took to undo his jeans, the length of him was inside her hot, wet mouth, and he nearly lost his mind.

“Jesus, Sid,” he growled, and reached for her. The floor had to be hard on her knees. But she shooed his hands away, and he closed his eyes, loving the way she loved him. She suckled and stroked, and it took a lot just to keep his shit together. When he couldn’t stand the pressure anymore, he gently withdrew and doffed his jeans and boots, while she slipped out of her dress.

He yanked on her panties, and they joined the pile of clothes on the floor while he scooped her up, along with her dress, and settled her ass on the blue fabric, which he laid out on his workbench. She immediately opened her legs wide, and, with one thrust, he was deep inside the woman he loved. He braced her back with one arm, while the other held her hip.

As he thrust inside her slowly, he dipped his head and suckled her nipples, smiling when she arched her back and began to pant. Her hands dug into his back, and she urged him on. She didn’t have to ask twice.

“I can’t wait,” she whispered hoarsely.

Beck loved her thoroughly, his body aching for release. Sweat pooled on his skin as he held off, waiting for the perfect moment. He felt her tighten around him, saw her throat constrict as she whimpered, and, with one more thrust, they came together.

He held her for a long time, long enough for the shakes to subside and for her body to relax.

“That was…” she said, shaking her head.

“Yeah.” He kissed the side of her neck. “It was.”

“Thing is,” she said, returning his kiss with one of her own. “I think there’s room for improvement.”

He grinned. “You might be right about that.”

“We might have to get some more of that practicing in.”

“Sounds like a plan.” He tugged on a nipple. “We should go see Nate and Molly and the babies before this gets out of hand, though. They were expecting us an hour ago.”

“You’re right.”

Sid held on and didn’t let go of him. Her mouth was bruised from his kisses, her skin flushed from their lovemaking, and she was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. Beck felt like the luckiest man on the planet. He’d managed to find love again with a woman who completed him body and soul. All the things he thought he’d never have—family, children and love—stared him in the eye, and he was humbled by the enormity of it all.

He was a lucky son of a bitch, and he knew it.

“I love you,” he said, dropping one last kiss on her shoulder.

“Enough,” she replied with a soft grin.

“More than enough,” he growled.

“I’m so looking forward to a life here with you. In this place. And I hope with all this practicing, we’ll have a family of our own sooner rather than later.” Her breath hitched, and she folded into his arms. “Thank you for coming after me.”

After they got dressed, Beck locked up the church. He grabbed her hand and held it while they slowly walked the long driveway to where he’d parked his truck. The sun was shining, the air fresh and warm, and here in his own corner of paradise, Beck finally found his place.