No, don’t say anything, Beck.” Her soft, sad eyes were full of something he didn’t recognize or understand. “She seems lovely, and I’m glad for you.”

“It’s not…” The denial was hot on his tongue, but the words died, and he stood there feeling like an idiot.

“It’s not what? Serious? It doesn’t have to be. You’ve taken a step, and that’s the important thing. I hope.” She sighed and shook her head. “I hope you find what you’ve been looking for all these years. You deserve it.”

Her mother appeared just then, and after he said a quick hello, Beck headed for Sidney. He sat down across from her and grabbed the beer she’d been good enough to order. He took a long drink, his mind a little addled, his thoughts a little chaotic.

“Who was that?” Sid asked softly. “I remember seeing her the night of the hockey game. She stopped you then too.”

“Her name is Emily.”

Sid took a sip of beer and looked Emily’s way again. “She’s very attractive.”

“She is.”

“You guys were involved?”

Beck set down his beer. Another guy could lie and sweep things under the rug in order to avoid a possible sticky situation.

“We were. For a time. But it’s over now.”


He looked her straight in the eye. “Since you.”

She looked surprised and then licked her lips, unable to hide the small smile that touched them.

“You’re nothing like any of the men I’ve known. You’re so…” She shook her head and grabbed a chip from the bowl. “You don’t water anything down. You tell the truth.”

“Lying takes too much energy. I think if you live your life hiding behind lies, you’d be damn exhausted. And life is already exhausting.” He leaned close. “So why don’t we order some food.”

“Already done.”

“Wings and fries?”

“And onion rings.”

“That’s my girl.” He winked. “We can eat and get out of here and get back to the cottage.”

“For dessert?” Her eyebrows shot up.

He nodded. “For dessert.”

“Okay.” Sidney grinned. “But remember, I wanted to go down to the river. Molly said the local youth group is selling hot chocolate to raise money for a trip.”

“We can do that.”

“Good.” She licked her lips. “And Beck?”


“Leave room for lots of dessert.”

“I will if you will.”

Her answer was the kind of look that set his blood on fire. The waitress appeared with their order, but Beck was already thinking of dessert.