God, where to start?

“I came here to recharge my batteries. I’ve had a pretty intense couple of years, and things happened, some bad things, and I needed a break. I just…I wasn’t present, you know?” She glanced up. “My mind wasn’t working the way I needed it to for my business, and I was talking to Nate about a project and somehow spilled everything to him. He told me that Crystal Lake was the remedy I needed.” She shrugged. “The thought of being someplace where no one knew me, a place where I could kind of hide, was attractive, and then when Nathan sent me a picture of the stone cottage, I fell in love with it.”

“And your family?”

Jingle began to squirm. Beck reached for her and automatically cradled the kitten against his chest. Honestly. It should be illegal for someone as big and handsome and male as

Beck Jacobs to stand in front of her, looking all, well, big and handsome and male, while holding on to a tiny kitten.

She took a moment and tried to compose her thoughts.

“Sid?” His gentle tone tugged on all kinds of things inside her.

“I’m not used to this,” she admitted.

“Used to what?”

“This sharing thing.” With a man she’d just had sex with. A man she’d only known for a week.

“If you’re uncomfortable, you don’t have to say anything.” He was giving her an out, which said a lot. As well as being honest and open, the guy was caring.

She toyed with her mug for a few seconds and then dove in. “I have a sister, Kylie. She’s crazy, though I love her to pieces in spite of how crazy she is. She’s like this big romantic, always looking for the grand gesture, and she’s been in love more times than anyone I know. She has a heart of gold and would do anything for me. She’s my best friend.”

Sid took a sip of the bitter brew but didn’t taste it, too caught up in thoughts and memories. “My dad died when I was sixteen, and my mom is remarried to a great guy. His name is Frank. He has this big scruffy beard and a handlebar mustache.”

“A legit handlebar?”

“You heard me correctly. A handlebar. It took some getting used to, and he’s nothing like my father, he’s more of a rough guy where my dad was polished. He was a partner in one of the biggest law firms on the West Coast. My dad was awesome, but he got sick and died, and Mom met Frank on holiday, a P.S. I Love You, kind of holiday. She was in Ireland by herself, driving along some winding road out in the middle of nowhere, and her car broke down. Frank wandered by, and she stayed in Ireland on an extended vacation. They got married the following year.” Her voice trailed off, and then she shrugged. “I don’t see her very often, but we FaceTime a lot.”

“Sounds like a good excuse to go to Ireland.”

She nodded. “It’s beautiful where they are.”

Beck topped up their coffee mugs. “What’s a P.S. I Love You holiday? I haven’t heard of that particular one.”

“It’s based on a movie, which was based on a book, and maybe someday, we can watch it together.”

Jesus. Mary. And Joseph.

Did she just say that? Did she just suggest a movie night? As if whatever this was they were doing was going to continue? As if a guy like Beck would sit and watch a chick flick with her? She hung her head, a little embarrassed, which was saying something considering they’d had sex more times in twenty-four hours than she’d ever had before with anyone. Nick included.

“I’m not much of a movie guy,” he replied.

Shit. This was it. The big brush-off.

“But I’d find it hard to say no to spending another night with you.”

Sid’s head shot up, and the look in his eye was enough to set her panties on fire. She squirmed a little, which was the wrong thing to do because it only made the friction between her legs that much worse.

How could she still want him so badly when it had been less than an hour since the last time he’d been inside her?

“So what are we doing here, Beck?” She held her breath, knowing that every single word that came from his mouth would be honest.

“We’re getting to know each other.”


He rested his palms on the counter and leaned closer. “And the getting-to-know-each-other thing involves physical activities.”