“Thank you,” Chess replied, glancing up at Cash. She looked nervous, he thought. And kind of adorable. Her skin was still pink from their lovemaking, and her eyes sparkled. Damn, he could barely take his eyes off her.

“Are you Uncle Cash’s girlfriend?”

“Oh, um…” Chess glanced to him for help, but they were both saved when Blue and Cam appeared with their daughter Brinley, tucked into Cam’s arms.

“Hey,” he said softly, giving his sister a big hug before taking the hand Cam offered. “Merry Christmas.” He pointed to a bag filled with wrapped presents in the corner and winked at Tawny. “Santa left presents at my house for you and your sister.”

“He did?” Eyes as big as saucers stared up at him, and Cash’s heart melted. The little girl had had a rough start in life, but Cam had changed that, and then Blue came along, and now they were a family.

“Apparently, you’ve been a good girl this year.”

Tawny nodded, her eyes on the bag. “I tried really hard to be good. Even when Jensen is mean to me and pulls my hair. Daddy says I should pull his hair, and pull it harder, but Mommy says that Daddy doesn’t know what he’s talking about. She told me to tell the teacher if it happens again and to be kind to him. She says it’s harder to do that, but it will make me a better person.”

“What do you think?” Cash asked, lowering himself so he was face-to-face with Tawny. She shrugged and shook her head.

“Well, he doesn’t have much hair to pull, so…”

Cash laughed and scooped her up. He looked at Chess, who’d taken a step back. “Guys, this is Chess. She was alone today, so I brought her along.”

“Chess Somers,” Cam said, moving aside. “Man, I haven’t seen you in years. I didn’t know you were back in town. But then I’ve been a little busy with the house and baby.”

Neither Blue nor Cam asked him where they’d met, and Cash didn’t feel the need to offer up that information.

“I’m glad you came,” Blue said as she took Chess’s coat. “My friend Poppy is in the kitchen making hot chocolate, and all my favorite people are finally under my roof.” Her voice trembled a bit as she looked at her brother. “I’ve missed you.”

“Can we open the presents, pretty please?” Tawny stomped her feet and put her hands on her hips, looking at each adult and then pointing toward the large tree that twinkled from the family room.

“Let’s do this,” Cash said. “It’s my fault we’re late.”

“Mommy told Daddy you were probably getting busy.”

“Did she,” he said, shooting a look toward his sister, who had the grace to seem at least a little embarrassed.

Tawny took hold of his hand, and he let the little girl pull him toward the family room. He nearly grabbed Chess’s hand, which was insane. She wasn’t his girlfriend, and he was pretty sure she wasn’t the type to hold hands for the sake of holding hands.


He was also pretty sure he’d just taken leave of his senses, because since when was he the hand-holding type?

They got settled around the tree, and Tawny insisted that Cash and Chess sit close to her while she opened her presents. Which were many. He arched an eyebrow at his sister, but she just laughed and shrugged. It was hard not to spoil the girls, especially for the first Christmas in their new home.

When Brinley started to fuss, he took her from Cam and headed to the kitchen to heat up a bottle. Chess followed him.

“This is a side of you I’m kind of surprised at,” she said softly, sidling up to him at the counter. The baby began to squirm, and he held her close, knowing babies (for the most part) liked to be cuddled. He murmured words that made no sense, but ones that calmed her down while they waited for the bottle to heat.

“I’ve got superpowers when it comes to babies.”

“Really?” She smiled.

“I was working a case with my buddy Blake, and his wife came down with the flu. Their baby was about four months, and it was up to us to look after the little guy, because no way Selma could.” He shook his head. “That kid could cry so damn loud, I swear it was a miracle the windows didn’t shatter. And Jesus, he liked to cry. Turns out I was the only one who could calm him. Blake tried but gave up, and after a while, I was in charge of the diaper changing, bottle giving, and all-around cuddling to keep little Max happy so we could get our work done.”

Cash reached for the bottle and checked the temperature. “Babies are easy. It’s grownups who’re hard.” He looked down at his niece. “Besides, this little girl is only six months old, and she already has good taste in men.”

Chess laughed, and he jerked his head up at the sound. Their eyes met and held, and though he was loving this time with his sister and her family, already his mind was headed to a place he couldn’t wait to get to. Back to the Crystal Lake Motel and one last night with Chess.

She might not yet know it yet, but he was staying at her place tonight. New York City could wait another day.

Cash watched Chess over dinner. She was like a flower slowly opening, showing the world a beauty she’d kept hidden. At first she’d been quiet, nodding when she was supposed to, asking a polite question when it fit. But after a while, she started initiating conversation, asking Poppy about her boutique, Bella & Hooch, wanting to know more about Blue’s dance studio. She had a sense of humor he’d not seen before and traded barbs with Cam easily.