“Yeah,” she replied, smiling tightly. “I know what you mean. It was nice to have the old gang back together.”

Zach wavered a bit, and she realized he’d had more beer than she first thought.

“Steady, big guy.”

“I’m good.”

“If you say so.”

“I’m getting married next week,” he said, looking at her with something close to surprise on his face. Shit. Was this his moment of regret? Cold feet? Was there going to be a problem?

“You are,” she answered lightly, her mind turning over. What should she say to him? What kind of advice could Molly give her brother when everything was about to change and there was a part of her that didn’t want that change?

“And Jess is great, Zach. I mean it. I wasn’t sold on her in the beginning, but that had more to do with me than anything else. I’ve gotten to know her, and you did good. I think you two are going to have a wonderful life.”

He nodded. “She’s everything, ya know? She doesn’t even care when I leave my dirty socks on the floor or the toilet seat up.”

He did something then that he hadn’t done in a long time. Without saying a word, he pulled her close and hugged her. Hard. It was a hug that said a million things he couldn’t, and Molly realized how much she missed her brother.

Which was insane considering they worked together running the vet clinic. But work was work, and this right here? This was family. This was needing someone and having them need you right back.

Someone told Molly once that you couldn’t pick your family. And while the notion was true, the idea of it, she wouldn’t change hers for the world. Not even Nana Malone. Of course, she could do without the mimosa-fueled advice Nana liked to dole out, but still, there was no doubt the old woman loved her family. She just had a brain fart from time to time and said the things she thought, but should keep inside.

“I love ya, Moll,” Zach said, taking a step back. His looked at her in a way that made Molly uncomfortable.

“Back atcha brother.” Molly tried to make the moment light, but Zach wasn’t having any of it.

“What about you?” he asked.

“What about me?”

“You’re going to be thirty in a month, and, well, not that it’s old or anything, I mean, I’m going to be thirty in a month too.” He grimaced. “I’m not expressing myself very well.”

“No. I’m going to assume your problem speaking is based on beer consumption.”

“That would be a correct analysis of the situation.”

His smile was lopsided. “But you know what I’m trying to say, right?”

“I think so?” In drunk-brother hell, she pointed behind him. “We should head back to the bus. Don’t want to miss our ride.”

“Don’t worry about it. Jess wouldn’t let that happen. She looks after me.” He frowned. “Who’s going to look after you, Molly?”

“I can look after myself, thank you very much.”

“I know that. You just, you don’t really date and—” At the look on her face, he held his hands up. “I’m your brother. Your twin. I know things.”

Not only was Molly done with this conversation, they were headed into dangerous territory.

“We need to go,” she said forcefully.

But Zach wasn’t listening. He was just as stubborn as every other Malone on the planet—maybe more so.

“I just want to see you happy, Moll. You’ve got the biggest heart and so much to give.” He sighed and ran his hands through his hair. “I know how you feel about Nathan.”

“What?” She yanked her head up. “I don’t…” Her voice trailed off because, really, what could she say to that? She was a bad liar, and he’d know.

“How are you going to move forward with someone else when you haven’t dealt with the past?”