He shrugged and walked over to the fry table, ordering up several extra-large as well as a couple of burgers and onion rings.

“Where’s your friend?” He asked the question even though he’d told himself to shut the hell up. It wasn’t any of his business, and he didn’t care.

“Cash?” She shrugged. “He had to take a call.”

“Where’s he from?” He didn’t give two shits where the guy was from, but they had about five minutes to wait on the fries, so he thought he’d keep the conversation going.


Arizona. Something tickled along the edge of his mind, and he remembered Edward Barnes ripping into Blue, mentioning something about Arizona and trouble.

“Arizona is a long way from Crystal Lake.”

“It is.” She said the words slowly and then looked up at him, eyes guarded. “Did you have a good time last night?”

“Last night?” For that one moment, he forgot about the last twenty-four hours, because all he saw was her mouth, those incredible eyes, and the pulse at the base of her neck.

She licked her bottom lip and averted her eyes. “I saw you with a woman at The Brig last night, and I just…” She made a small sound of disgust and tripped over her words. “It’s none of my business. Just forget I said anything.”

“I did. Dinner was great. How was yours?”

She looked back up at him, and when their eyes connected, he felt a shock run straight through him. The air sizzled with an energy that fired up every cell in his body.

“I saw you there,” he said, watching her carefully. “With denim and leather.”

A heartbeat passed. “I had the salmon,” she replied softly. Another heartbeat passed. “It was excellent, thanks for asking.”

He was hot. Fuck, it was hot.

“What about you?” she asked lightly. “Did you have dessert?”

“No dessert.” They weren’t talking about food anymore.

“From what I’ve heard, you’re a dessert kind of guy.”

“I’ve got a sweet tooth. Can’t deny that. But dessert wasn’t on the menu last night. It was offered to me, but I passed on it.”

“That’s surprising.” Her eyebrows shot up. “From what I hear.”

“I guess it is.” This had to be the weirdest conversation he’d had in a long, long time. And yet Cam couldn’t let it go. “Who’s the guy you’re with?”

She held his gaze, and that pulse at the base of her neck took off. “Denim and leather?”

“That’s the one.”

“He’s my brother.”

“That guy is your brother.”

She nodded, her chest rising and falling beneath her top. “He’s visiting for a few days or a few weeks. I’m not sure. He just showed up yester—”

Cam grabbed her hand and led her away from the fry table and out the back of the tent. He kept going until he found himself between two of the large food trucks, and then he turned around and slowly backed Blue up against one of them until she had nowhere to go.

He pushed her hair off her shoulders, exposing all that long, creamy skin, and, before she could say anything, lowered his head and nuzzled her neck. He felt her pulse against his mouth, and smiled because it was jumping all over the place.

“What are you doing?” Blue’s hands crept up to his chest, but she didn’t push him away. Cam’s heart quickened, along with his dick. He’d barely touched her and already he was hard.

“My sweet tooth just kicked in.” His mouth blazed a trail up her neck and along her jaw until he paused near her ear and whispered, “I’m want dessert.”