“I’m hungry,” she said lightly, tracing his chest with her fingers. He tossed her his T-shirt, and as she slipped it over her head, he pulled on his jeans. She settled on the counter while he heated up leftover pizza.

“This is a good look on you,” he said, handing her a piece. Her mouth was bruised from his kisses. Her cheeks were red from the stubble on his chin. And her eyes glittered like blue diamonds.

“I’m half-naked,” Blue replied, biting off the end of her slice.

“Like I said,” Cam replied with a wicked grin. “Good look.”

They ate in silence for a few moments, the quiet of the house enveloping them in a blanket of familiarity Cam wasn’t used to. Unnerved, he cleared his throat.

“Tell me something about yourself I don’t know.”

Her eyebrows shot up, and she paused, a slice of pizza halfway to her mouth. “I can recite the entire alphabet backward.”

“Yeah?” He grinned at that.

“What about you?”

“I’m allergic to bees.”

He could see her surprise. “That’s kind of dangerous considering your job.”

“It’s why I carry an EpiPen when I’m working.” He paused. “What’s the one place you’ve never been that you’re dying to see?”

She chuckled. “So we’re playing the question game.”

He liked this side of her. Light and happy and sporting one hell of a sex glow. “Yeah. We are.”

She settled back a few more inches, legs slightly spread as she watched him. It took everything Cam had not to let his eyes wander to the prize hidden in the shadows between her legs.

“I bet if you asked that question to one hundred people, your answers would be places like Paris, Ireland, Greece, Australia,” she said slowly. “But I want to go to Sable Island.”

“Sable Island?” Cam frowned. “Never heard of it.”

She shrugged. “I don’t suppose a lot of people know about it. It’s an island off the coast of Nova Scotia.” She paused, a sly grin on her face. “You do know where Nova Scotia is, right?”

“Sure do. What’s so special about this particular island?”

“Well, aside from the fact that the natural beauty is breathtaking.” Her grin widened. “There are hundreds of wild horses running free.” Her voice caught, a

nd she looked away. “They’re untouched by humanity. Untouched by anything not meant to be there.” She shrugged. “I guess it sounds corny, but there’s something incredibly romantic about that kind of freedom. Nothing can touch them.”

He wanted to kiss her again—and would have—but she looked up at him expectantly. “What about you? Where would you go if you could go anywhere tomorrow?”

“Middle Earth.”

“What kind of answer is that?” she asked with a chuckle.

He leaned in. “You’re not a Lord of The Rings girl, are you?”

“No.” She shook her head. “I’m not.”

“That’s going to change.” He cocked his head. “Favorite movie?”

“The Man from Snowy River.”

“Sounds like a chick flick.”

“It totally is. But there’s lots of horses. Yours?” She was looking at him like the pizza wasn’t satisfying her hunger. Made him want to bang his chest.