Cam moved closer. “I’ve changed a few things.”

“Have you,” Blue murmured, a smile toying with the edges of her mouth.

“First off, he’s not a pirate but a prince, and she’s obviously a princess.”


“And instead of kidnapping her, the prince invited the princess out for a boat ride.”

“Really?” Blue’s eyes widened. “Around the world?”

“Nah.” Cam moved closer still. “Just a month or so in the Caribbean.”

“And her family didn’t miss her?”

“Her family is in heaven, which is why the bad prince is in the picture. He’s trying to steal her fortune by stealing her V card and forcing her to marry him.” Cam’s grin widened. “I don’t mention the V card. But that’s why this guy here…” Cam reached over Blue’s shoulder and tapped the novel. “Is keeping her safe. Turns out he’s an old family friend.”

“How convenient.”

“He’s on the run from the law.”

“Sounds about right.”

“And while he’s protecting her, they’re having all kinds of adventures.” He leaned in, so close he could feel her warmth. “Like finding a map and treasure and a flea-bitten dog.”

“The story sounds intriguing.”

“It is.”

“Are there any parts you skip?” she asked lightly.

“Yes,” Cam murmured, watching her closely. “The spicy ones.” He winked. “Tawny’s a bit young for that, don’t you think?”

“How spicy?”

“Do you want me to read to you?”

She laughed and handed him back the book, though her laughter died when their eyes met. God, she was beautiful.

“You feel a movie?” he asked.

“A movie?”

Cam scooped up the remote and turned on the large flat screen. He handed Blue the remote. “I’ll make popcorn.”

“You’re going to let me pick the movie.” She flashed a devilish smile. She was already perusing the choices as he grabbed a large pot, a bag of kernels, and the oil from under the counter.

“Just don’t with the

Fifty Shades. I don’t think I can take it.”

“I thought you liked the romance and the sex and the chick-flick thing.”

He poured oil in the pot and nodded. “Oh, I do.”

“Then what’s the problem?”

He heated up the pot and turned to Blue, keeping as straight a face as he could. “I’ve already seen them.”