“I have something to tell you,” she whispered.

“Can’t it wait? The loft is fifteen minutes away.”


She stared up at him. “I love you, Beau Simon.”

A heartbeat passed.

And then another.

“I know,” he replied.

“Okay.” She smiled, a tremulous, smile. “Good.”

Betty kissed him on the nose and settled herself back into her seat. Her body was calm and this time she had no problem buckling herself in.

She glanced at him and winked. “Now take me back to the loft and we’ll get real specific about the state of my panties.”

She didn’t have to tell him twice.

Beau hit the accelerator and seconds later, his red taillights disappeared into the darkness.

Mick Valenti was escorted off the premises by Matt Hawkins and Shane Gallagher, and not much later, Logan and Billie finally said goodnight to their guests.

It had been a long day. A good day. A day for celebration and family.

A day that would be on the lips of many of the residents of New Waterford in the coming weeks. Wasn’t everyday that someone like Beau Simon gave a beating to one of their own. But it was Beau Simon, he was one of the good guys, and most folks thought that surely Mick had it coming.

Things would quiet down as they always did, until the next Barker dust-up occurred. Everyone knew it was only a matter of time. Hell, they expected it.

And they were right.

The End

Author’s note

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading about the Barker Triplets. I’ve had an absolute blast spending time with these girls. In answer to answer to a lot of emails I’ve received, the names Bobbi Jo, Billie Jo and Betty Jo are in honor of my real-life cousins. ?

I plan on visiting the town of New Waterford in the near future and I hope you’ll be along for the ride! In the meantime, please stay tuned for the first novel in a new series revolving around, those damn Southern Kennedys’, Beau Simon’s colorful family. Watch for TUCKER, coming fall of 2013!

I love hearing from my readers, you can email me at [email protected] or visit my website, www.julianastone.com for book updates, news, and exclusive excerpts! You can also fine me on Twitter and Facebook.

Available Titles

The Barker Triplets

Offside, Book 1

Collide, Book 2

Conceal, Book 3

Beautifully Damaged Series, New Adult

The Stillness of You, writing as Julie Bale

The Family Simon Series