Abel was still in the hospital and doing well, improving every day, while his mother, Billie, had been released a few days after giving birth. She spent most of her time with her new son, shuffling back and forth between home and the hospital—Logan joining her when he could get away.

Bobbi held down the fort, keeping the hockey school running smoothly and Betty? Betty was dealing with a whole new set of problems.

First off, Matt went on a bender and she’d babysat him while he came around. His depression was getting out of hand but she knew he wasn’t going to get better until he accepted the fact that his father was never going to change. Until he overcame the fear inside him—until he wanted to be helped.

Pushing him didn’t work—she’d been there—it only managed to drive him farther away, deeper into his pain.

She just hoped he would deal with his shit and judgmental father before he drank himself to death.

Secondly, her agent had finally gotten pissed off at her silence—technically he was her ex-agent but whatever—and had traveled from LA to New Waterford, with a movie offer in hand.

Beau’s movie.

Her agent had been ecstatic. A Beau Simon movie! It had box office gold written all over it.

Betty still had the offer…still hadn’t signed it….and damned if she knew what she was going to do.

A week ago, it had been crystal clear. Stay the hell away from any personal involvement with Beau, and film a movie that she knew was a game changer. Her game changer.

But as the days passed by, that crystal clear outlook had started to blur and the lines weren’t so clear anymore.

Beau called after her agent visited. He’d asked about Abel and how Billie and Logan were coping. He enquired after her father. He asked if she’d heard from her agent and when she said yes, he’d launched into a long narrative about…to be honest, she wasn’t sure what he’d said. She couldn’t remember a word—she only remembered how the sound of his voice made her feel. And it was that feeling that scared the crap out of her.

It was that feeling that had her questioning everything.

The movie. Beau Simon. Her life in New Waterford.

Maybe it was PMS, or maybe she was just screwed. Whatever it was, she was putting it on hold for a while. Maybe the backburner was a good place for all that shit, because right now she had other things to worry about—like getting her father showered and dressed before noon.

The sun was shining, Trent Barker was having a good day—he’d even hugged her—though there was the very real possibility that he thought she was one of the other girls. Whatever, she was taking it and she was taking him to see his new grandson for the first time.

Betty poked her head into his room and smiled. “That tie looks great, Dad.”

He looked spiffy in spite of the fact that his clothes didn’t fit so good.

“Where are we off to again?”

She smoothed the front of her white cotton dress and leaned against the doorframe. “I’m taking you to see Abel, Billie’s little boy.”

“Oh,” he said with a laugh. “That’s right. I thought it was market day. Couldn’t figure out why you wanted me to get all dressed up to go and buy cucumbers and tomatoes.”

She offered a small smile. “It’s not market day, Dad.” She paused. “Did you take your medication this morning?”

He pointed to the table beside his bed. The glass of water was gone and so were the pills. “I did.”

“Okay. Good. I’ll meet you downstairs.”

He shouldered his body into a heavy gray cardigan and though she knew it was too hot for it, Betty didn’t say a word. Trent was attached to the damn thing, and for whatever reason, it seemed to comfort him.

He glanced up and smiled. “You look real pretty, Betty.”

Her throat tightened with a stupid lump and her eyes welled up. Dammit. She’d just put mascara on. She cleared her throat.

“Come on, Dad. Let’s go.”

She stood back as he passed and then flew to her bedroom, glancing at her watch and swearing as she made quick work in her bathroom. Billie was expecting them at one o’clock and Betty might have to break a few speeding laws in order to make it on time. She didn’t want

to late because Abel was due for some more tests this afternoon and it would suck if she got there and they weren’t able to see him.