Betty didn’t have time for this woman’s sanctimonious glare but there was something about her that pissed Betty off.

She reached over the counter and grabbed a piece of paper from the woman’s stationary.

“Your pen would be nice,” Betty said. When the woman handed it over, Betty quickly scribbled onto the paper and handed it back to the lady. She waited for the woman to read it and then smiled as if she was the proverbial cat who’d just caught the mouse.

I had eight orgasms last night with Beau Simon. How was your night?

Xoxo Betty Jo.

“You want my picture too?” She asked sweetly.

The woman’s eyes narrowed and her cheeks blushed a nice shade of red. It was called embarrassment, and if Betty had more time she’d be all over it, sticking the knife in and twisting it as far as she could.

“What floor is maternity?” Betty asked, dropping any pretense of niceties.

The woman flinched and cleared her throat. “Fifth.”

Betty headed for the elevator. She hadn’t

bothered to text her sister and by the time she reached the fifth floor she was in battle mode because that’s what she did when she was cornered. And right now, Betty Jo felt as if she was stuck in the corner with no way out. She wasn’t sure how to feel or how to react.

She was bitter. Angry. Hurt.

And so fucking scared for her sister and the baby. She thought back to the night of the reception and how Billie had kept rubbing her stomach while Betty let go of everything—all the ugliness and pain inside her.

Had she somehow triggered this?

The elevator doors slid open and she strode out, spotting Shane within seconds, talking to anther man, Connor Forest, Logan’s brother. They stood in the lounge and Shane nodded at whatever Connor said, a cup of coffee in his hand. The set of Shane’s shoulders was tense and his clothes looked as rumpled and dirty as hers.

He turned just as she took a step forward and Betty froze at the look on his face.

“Is she…is the baby…”

But she couldn’t get the words out—maybe because she didn’t want to hear the answer.

Shane didn’t answer at first and when he did his voice was subdued. “Billie went into labor last night. They’re trying to stop it with injections and they’re giving the baby something to make his lungs stronger in case….” He sighed. “In case the drugs don’t work and Billie goes into labor.

Betty’s eyes widened. “It’s a boy?”

Shane nodded, with a tired smile. “Yes.”

“Okay,” Connor interrupted. “I have to run and fill the folks in. They’re up at their cottage so I’ll give them a call.” Connor glanced at Betty, his eyes lingering on the state of her clothes, hair, and probably the whisker burns on her neck. “Nice of you to make it.”

She was used to that condescending tone and though it shouldn’t bother her…it did.

She said nothing as Connor headed toward the elevator.

“He’s just tired,” Shane said gruffly.

“I don’t really care what he is. Connor Forest means nothing to me.” Of course it was a lie, but Shane didn’t have to know that.

He nodded down the hall to his right. “Bobbi’s in there with Logan. Room 504.”

“Okay,” she said, tugging on the ends of her hair—as if that would somehow make a difference—before attempting to smooth out her shirt.

“You look…”

She glanced at Shane, hackles instantly up. “Like a whore?”