He inhaled sharply when her tongue licked its way down his shaft and then back up again, where she pressed into the underside of the head and suckled him there.

“Jesus, Betty. I’m not going to last if you keep that up.”

She arched an eyebrow and smiled wickedly as she took all of him into her mouth. He groaned when she began to suckle, gently at first and then as he blew out one long breath after another, she used her tongue and her lips and her mouth to drive him crazy.

He leaned back and swore, but then his hands crept into her hair and he held her there, straining against her as she worked him.

Betty didn’t make a habit of going down on guys she was with. It had always felt subservient to her as if she was doing them a favor—call her selfish, but Betty had always been about receiving the favors. Men were lucky to have her. That was her mantra. Maybe it was the vulnerable position of being on her knees—or the thought of somehow giving up control that put her off.

But right here? Right now? The fact that she was responsible for the look of sheer lust and pleasure on Beau’s face made her feel as if she could walk on the clouds.

It made her feel powerful. Feminine.

She nipped along the length of him again as her tongue continued to thrust and lick and just as she would have taken him whole once more, he jerked and stopped her.

“Don’t,” he said roughly.

She smiled at him. “I thought you could handle me.”

He stared down at her, his hands still in her hair and a wicked glint entered his eyes. “Trust me darlin’ I intend to handle you.”

He tugged on her, until she slowly stood up and with his hands still buried in her waves, he pulled her forward that last inch so that every naked inch of her body was pressed intimately against every naked inch of his.

His breath was warm at her neck and shivers rolled over her body as he licked beneath her ear, hands cradling the back of her head so that she was forced to tilt upward.

Slowly he kissed his way along her jaw until his mouth grazed her lips. It was only a whisper but it was enough to heat her up from the inside out. “I’m gong to handle every fucking inch of you.”

He slid his lips across her mouth once more and a shot of desire sat low in her belly. It burned so hard that it was almost painful.

“I’ll handle you fast and hard.” His tongue slipped inside her mouth for just a taste and she moaned when he withdrew. Dammit, she wanted more.

“And I’ll handle you slow.”

Again with the tongue. Again for just a taste.

She moved restlessly and God help her, but she whimpered. She whimpered like a child who wasn’t getting her way. Beau pulled back and gazed into her eyes, his expression unreadable. “I’ll handle you until you come apart for me. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

His thumb slipped into her mouth while he continued to cradle the back of her head in his other hand. His eyes were electric, the blue so vibrant, so alive that her breath caught.

“This is about you, Betty. I want to make this all about you.” He paused and something crept into his eyes, something fleeting. Whatever it was, it touched something inside her but she didn’t have time to think about it, or over-analyze because his mouth opened over hers, hot and wet and demanding.

Beau kissed her like she’d never been kissed before. He kissed her until her head spun. Until her body went limp and then he pulled her against him, wedged her hips between his thighs and grabbed her ass. His large palms cupped her and anchored her so that she couldn’t move.

And why would she want to? His erection pressed into that soft, wet, aching part of her that needed to feel him, and the throb between her legs intensified as she ground herself against him. He was hot and so damn hard.

The kiss deepened even more, tongues gnashed and danced—lips suckled and tugged and nipped. And when she finally came up for air he grabbed her up into his arms and laid her on the bed, sliding down her body, his hands on her knees as he rested between them.

His long blond hair begged for her fingers and that sensual mouth curved into a wicked smile as he bent her legs apart and sat back for a peek.

“You’re so beautiful, Betty.”

She was trembling. Every inch of her was on fire and trembling.

The muscles in her legs tightened instinctively and when she would have closed them, the gentle pressure from his hands kept them apart.

“Let me look at you,” he whispered.

Betty’s head fell back and she whimpered. It had been so long since she’d felt so alive. So damn connected.