She didn’t care that once again she was the bad girl—with Lane Summers shooting daggers her way it was pretty obvious.

But still…it had been a day. Between avoiding Billie, who seemed hell bent on cornering her for a chat and Beau, who caught her elbow a few minutes ago as she’d walked by, Betty was about to lose it.

She’d been on her way to the washroom and he’d told her that he needed to talk to her. Betty knew it was crunch time. He wanted an answer about the movie and because she had no idea what she was going to do, she’d headed outside instead of back into the arena.

And here she was. Alone. Frustrated. Pissed off.


“There you are.”

Scratch that. No longer alone.

The headache that had dogged her for the last hour, crept across her forehead as she tilted her head.

Billie stood a few feet away, one hand beneath her round belly as she took a step forward. Movement behind her told Betty that her sister wasn’t alone.

Bobbi popped into view and waved.

Great. This was going to be a tag-team attack.

For a few seconds no one said anything and it gave Betty an opportunity to gather her thoughts and find what bit of strength she had left.

It had been a day and it sure as hell wasn’t over so she better pull up her big girl panties and bring it.

“The tournament was a success,” Billie said quietly.

“Yep,” Betty answered, waiting. She wasn’t making this easy for her sister. A host of nasty, ugly, thoughts crowded her brain and she welcomed the thrust of anger.

No fucking way.

“Congratulations on winning,” Billie continued.

Again silence fell between the three girls.

“So,” Billie said. “I’ve been trying to call you.”

“Uh huh.”

Billie took a few more steps until she was inches from Betty. “We need to talk about this, whatever this is, once and for all.”

“I don’t feel like talking to you, Billie.”

A tick appeared beneath Billie’s right eye and Betty knew her sister was pissed. Good. Betty was getting sick and tired of being the only one pissed off. Maybe it was time to let everything out.

Maybe it was time to tell Billie exactly what she thought of her.

She pushed off from the wall and Billie stumbled back a few inches, inhaling quickly as she fought for balance.

“What is wrong with you?” Billie snapped.

“A lot,” Betty quipped.

“Apparently.” Billie replied.

Betty tossed her head back. Were they really going to do this now? She stared her sister down as a shit-ton of emotion and memories rolled over her.

“Girls,” Bobbi said