Beau didn’t think. He just did.

He scooped her into his arms, whirled her around and before he knew what was happening, her hands were behind his neck, fingers digging into his hair. Her soft breasts were crushed against him and his hand slipped down past her waist, cupping that butt that had been teasing him all fucking day.

For one wild second he felt lighter than he’d ever felt, as if he could touch the clouds. But he didn’t want to touch the clouds. He wanted to touch her.


Surprise lit her eyes and she opened her mouth to say something, but he didn’t give her a chance. He bent down and slid his tongue over her full bottom lip, feeling her tremble against him.

He was hot.

He felt as if his skin was too tight.

And he couldn’t resist her.

Beau hovered over her lips for a second, maybe two, and then he kissed her, his mouth open and hot. He kissed her like he’d kissed her in his fantasies the night before. He kissed her like he’d not kissed another woman in a very, very, long time.

It was full on straining bodies, roving tongues. It was heat and wet and electricity. The kiss was thrilling. Sexual. Primal. And oh, so fucking satisfying when she went limp in his arms, and whimpered into his mouth.

He kissed her until his head spun. Totally aware that they were dead center in front of a large, cheering crowd and that the rest of their team watched from the sidelines.

The thing of it was, Beau Simon didn’t give a damn.

When he finally came up for air, her gaze slid from his and he gently let her fall away from him, aware that something had just shifted. Something had just changed.

He wasn’t exactly sure what it was, but he was sure as hell willing to find out.

“Good game,” he said as he caught his breath.

“Yeah,” Betty answered, squealing when two large, meaty hands slid around her waist from behind.

Beau glanced up and just like that, the lightness inside him vanished.


The guy nodded at Beau and whispered something into Betty’s ear. He took a step forward and offered up his hand. “Nice hit.”

Beau shook his hand. “Thanks.”

Hulk’s grip was firm, his smile easy, but the expression in his eyes was unreadable. Beau couldn’t tell if the guy was pissed off that he’d just kissed his girl, or if he was unconcerned.

“This is Matt,” Betty said quickly, tugging on Hulk’s arm. “Ah, good game, Beau. I’ll…I’ll see you later.”

She slipped her hand into Hulk’s and left the diamond, waving and smiling at the crowd as the whistles and catcalls grew louder.

A sucker-punch in the shoulder had Beau whipping his head around and he glared at his brother.

“What?” he barked.

Tucker grinned. “How’s it feel, Hollywood?”

“How does what feel?”

“To be the Sexiest Man Alive and still lose the girl.”

Beau wanted to throttle his brother, however he smiled at a group of fans waiting near the dugout for a picture before he turned back to Tucker. “Fuck you.”

Tucker’s eyes flashed as he chuckled. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”