Beau’s head snapped up and he nailed Tucker with an exasperated look. “Who the hell did you bring back?”

Tucker set his mug

down. “Hey, it’s not me.” He pointed toward the bedroom Beau had just exited. “She’s in there. Didn’t you hear the shower?”

Beau’s frown deepened and he glanced back at the heels. “No,” he said carefully before looking back to the bedroom. He saw an expensive bag lying across the end of the bed. White. Even from where he stood, he could see it was Gucci.

His nose wrinkled.

Shit. That god-awful perfume that he hated.

Beau wondered if it was too late for a do-over. Because if it wasn’t he’d hop the first flight out of New Waterford and march his ass back to LA right now. Back to that night when he’d first laid eyes on…

“Lane showed up about ten minutes ago. Said security let her onto the property. So, what the hell is the point in having your detail guard this place?”

Beau groaned and shook his head. He thought he’d be safe here, at Forest’s place. Who knew it was Lane Summers he needed to be safe from. He scrubbed his face, scowling.

“She’s gonna hate the fact that you haven’t shaved in nearly two weeks.” Tucker said in disgust. “You know that right?”

Beau nodded.

“Hell, I get that you’re going for this biker look, but Hollywood, I gotta tell you, she’s not gonna dig it.”

Beau glared at his brother. “You’re loving this, aren’t you?”

Tucker nodded and chuckled. “Should have listened to me two months ago when I told you that Lane Summers wasn’t worth it. She’s a diversion and one that will bust your balls months after you tell her you’re through.”

Beau winced at the thought.

“Trust me on that one.” Tucker said. “Though the fact that she even found her way out to this place, which you gotta admit is in the middle of nowhere, tells me that she’s not as dumb as I thought she was.”

“Well, that’s good to know.” Lane Summers said as she wandered into the room, her long blond hair hanging in wet ropes down her shoulders, her still glistening skin barely covered by the pale blue towel she’d found.

Fuck. Me.

Beau had told her not to come out here. What was the point? She was the kind of woman who took up a lot of time, and time was something he didn’t have. Not with the tournament and…Betty Jo.

Beau glanced at his brother, who didn’t seem to give a crap that Lane Summers had just heard the insult.

Tucker grabbed a mug from the cupboard and held it up. “You need some coffee, princess?”

Lane ignored Tucker and wandered over to Beau. He bent forward, accepting her kiss as he glanced over her head at his brother. Her hands began to wander down his chest and he grabbed her before she made it to the waistband of his boxers.

He was hard. Rock hard.

But he wasn’t so sure if it was Lane’s close proximity, the fact that he hadn’t had sex since he’d seen Lane over two weeks ago, or the lingering thoughts of Betty that had him all riled up.

Lane giggled and reached for him again. “Baby, I can see you’re ready for me.”

God knows he needed some release, but shit, his brother was in the room.

“Hey,” he dropped one more kiss on her mouth, steering her away from Tuck’s eyes. “This is a surprise.”

She glanced up at him sharply and he knew he’d just made a big mistake.

“Surprise,” she repeated, her bottom lip already pulled down into a pout.

Big. Fucking. Mistake.