“Sure does,” Beau agreed.

“It’s always been like that.”

Beau glanced over at Bobbi, whose eyes were glued to her sister. He expected to see a bit of jealously, or maybe envy in her eyes, but there was nothing but concern.

“I wish she’d stay away from him.”

“Bobbi, it’s none of our business,” Shane said roughly. “Besides. Hawkins isn’t all that bad.”

“Sure, when he’s sober.” She shook her head. “But that’s not often enough. I don’t know what she sees in him.”

“Maybe she sees herself,” Tucker said quietly.

Beau glanced at his brother sharply, but Tucker’s face was averted.

“Well, whatever it is, it’s not good. The two of them together are trouble. You wait and see.” Bobbi left Shane’s side and the three men watched her walk over to her sister.

“Shit,” Shane said. “Here we go. There’s always something with these women. I wish Bobbi would stay out of her sister’s business.”

Logan Forest wandered over at that point, followed by several guys and a couple women who would be playing ball with Beau and Tucker. Introductions were made and when Beau glanced back to where Betty had been, she was gone. The giant was there, parked in front of the bar, a bottle of whiskey in his hands, his gaze locked onto Beau.

Even from this distance, Beau sensed the man’s dislike and he squared his shoulders, not really giving a shit. Let the guy come at him. Beau was in shape.

In fact—his hands clenched—he was dying to let loose some of this restless, energy that he wasn’t able to get rid of. Maybe the giant was exactly what he needed.

“Not exactly good press to get your ass kicked at a charity event, Hollywood.”

Okay. The Hollywood nickname was getting old.

Beau glared at his brother and shrugged. “I’m not planning on starting anything, but that guy obviously has a hard-on for me and you and I both know I’m not the type to back down.”

Tucker slapped him on the shoulder. “Well, brother. You know I’ve got your back but maybe the question isn’t whether or not he wants to kick your ass. Maybe the question is, why?”

Beau’s eyes narrowed.

“Seems to me that maybe your triplet has set her pet on you. Don’t you want to know why?”

Beau finished his beer and handed the bottle to his brother. “You’re right.”

“I am?” Tucker looked surprised.

“Yeah. I’m going to find her and get my answer once and for all. Either she’s all in for this movie or she’s not. Either way, I’m not going to play her game.”

“Okay,” Tucker said. “Just so you know. She went into the house about ten seconds ago.”

Beau nodded to his brother.

He posed for three pictures and signed several autographs, so by the time he reached the house at least five minutes had passed by.

The patio doors led into a large kitchen with vaulted ceilings and loads of windows that must let in a lot of natural light during the day. At the moment it was a hub of activity, as the caterers were busily preparing more food and drinks. Beau nodded to them as he passed by, and headed into a large foyer with a dining room on his right, and what appeared to be a library on his left.

The library intrigued him, but he passed it by, thinking that Betty had probably come indoors to use the washroom. He paused by the entrance to the library and listened as a door opened and closed somewhere above him.

The distinct click of heels echoed on the stairs and he looked up, catching a flash of white and long, slender legs. He was about to say something when she spoke and Beau realized that she was on her cellphone.

“Gramps, I won’t be long. How is he?”

There was a pause.