“Whatever. Let’s not get dramatic about it, alright? He had a bad spell. It happened. It’s over.”

Betty finished her water bottle and tossed it onto the floor beside her. It rolled several times and then disappeared over the side right into the boxwood. The boxwood that needed to be trimmed. Her eyes rested on the hanging baskets Gramps had brought home several weeks ago. They all needed to be deadheaded and probably watered.

When the hell had Betty become Miss Domestic?

A plane flew overhead, it’s lonely drone echoing as a plume of white danced across the blue sky. It drew Betty’s eye and she watched it for a few seconds, wondering where it was going. Wondering who was lucky enough to be jetting off somewhere different than the place they’d been in.

“So, um, Billie says she’s called a few times.”

No shit. Betty had been hitting ignore on her cell phone for two days.

Betty ran her fingers across her forehead. “Seriously, Bobbi? I don’t want to do this now.”

“You can at least call her back.”

“I will.”


Irritated, she glanced at her sister. “What’s it to you?”

Bobbi tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and smoothed out the front of her pale blue summer dress.

“Well, maybe she’s got something important to talk to you about.”

Betty sat up. “This about Dad?”

“No,” Bobbi said. “Although that’s something we need to discuss sooner than later.”

“Then what? Is Billie taking a poll on names for the baby? ‘Cause guess what? I don’t give a rat’s ass.”

“Nice, Bets.”

“I’m just saying. Billie and her domestic bliss isn’t real high on my list of priorities these days. In fact, it’s pretty near the bottom.”

She didn’t have to look in Bobbi’s direction to feel her sister’s frown.

“They’ve decided not to wait,” Bobbi said quietly. “They’re getting married next month. Labor Day weekend. Before the baby comes.”

“And?” Betty stood, no longer relaxed or even close to being comfortable. She was strung tighter than a bow and though it was hot as hell, she thought that maybe a run would loosen her up.

“And you’re her sister. She wants you in the wedding party.”

“You have got to be kidding.” Betty shook her head. “Is she smoking crack?”

“That’s an awful thing to say.” Bobbi was up on her feet now. “What the hell is your problem with Billie? Can’t you put aside whatever it is just this once? For her wedding?”

“No.” Betty’s heart rate shot up and so did her voice. “No. I will not stand up for Logan and Betty. I can’t do it.” She exhaled and looked away from her sister. “I just can’t.”

She knew she sounded like a crazy person but Betty didn’t give a crap. She wasn’t about to explain things to Bobbi. Not now. Probably not ever.

“I don’t expect you to understand,” Betty managed to say.

“Well, that’s a fucking relief.” Bobbi was pissed. She only swore when she was pissed.

Bobbi walked to the end of the porch and stood there for a few seconds. “I feel as if this family is falling apart and I don’t know what to do. Dad’s sick. Gramps is getting older.” She whirled around. “All we have is us, Betty. Don’t you get that? This thing with Billie is stupid. You need to get over it.”

“It’s not stupid.”