Beau was a little surprised at the concern. He’d made it back to the Barker house the night before in time to witness some harsh words between all three girls. Wasn’t anything new—Lord knows he and his brothers had scrapped many times—so he understood the sibling dynamic. It wasn’t always sweet and loving and supportive. It was hard and real and sometimes you had to dig through a lot of shit to get to the good stuff.

Contrary to what Betty had inferred, the Simon’s weren’t different than any other family and Beau had seen his fair share of conflict within the ranks.

Bobbi and Betty had gotten into it, Betty blaming her sister for the events of the night. And when Billie had tried to intervene, Betty had shot her down with such cold anger that it shut everyone up. There was something between those two girls—Betty and Billie—that went above and beyond what had just happened with their father.

There had been no apology. There had been nothing.

Beau had left, uncomfortable observing family drama that had nothing to do with him.

“I’m not here to cause problems if that’s what you’re asking. I just need to talk to her about something and then I’m outta here. Meeting up with my brother in Canada.”

“Okay,” she said with a smile. “Good. I don’t think she can handle anything…hard, right now.”

“That’s nice,” he said softly.

Billie arched an eyebrow and took a step back. “Nice?”

“Nice that you’re looking out for your sister. Betty doesn’t exactly seem to be your biggest fan.”

If Billie was surprised at his blunt appraisal, she didn’t show it. She shrugged, though the light seemed to dim in her eyes a bit.

“Was it that obvious?”

She sighed at his nod.

“We have our issues and sure she can be a total bitch, but Betty is still my sister. I guess it’s true what they say,” she half smiled. “Blood is blood no matter what.” She cleared her throat. “Anyway, enough about the Barkers. Come up to the house when you’re ready.”

“Sounds good.” He paused, eyes narrowed thoughtfully. “I don’t suppose this is a family breakfast?”

“Is that your way of asking if Betty’s coming?”

“I guess it is.”

Billie shook her head. “Nope. Betty works at the Grill on Sundays and Bobbi and I take turns keeping an eye on Dad. Sorry. It’s just us and Weird.”


“It’s a cat.”

“A cat.”

She nodded. “Yep. A one-eyed perverted feline named weird.”

“You don’t say.”

“It came with Logan so I didn’t have a say. Honestly, that little bag of bones creeps me out, but Logan loves the damn thing.”

“Gotcha.” Beau arched an eyebrow. “So, The Grill?”

“Yeah. She started bartending there about a month ago.”

Beau didn’t reply at first, mostly because he was surprised as hell. Betty Jo Barker, bartending? In what universe did that happen?

“You look surprised,” Billie said.

“I am.”
