s complicated between us?”

“Because of those damn feelings,” she spat, her face flushed and angry. “Feelings that I wish I didn’t have. Don’t you get it? Feelings are complicated. They’re messy and half the time they don’t make sense. I don’t know how to deal with them.” Her eyes glittered. “I don’t know how to deal with you.”

That worm that had been inside him disappeared, replaced with a hot flush of need. And want. And…and love.

Tucker was right. It didn’t matter that they weren’t life long friends. That they hadn’t met in college, or that they hadn’t dated for six months or six years. She was it for him.

Betty Jo Barker was his forever.

“I told the studio and my production company that I was pulling out of the movie. The part I was going to act is being re-cast. I told them that I wasn’t going to direct it either.”


“I told them that you were going to star in the movie and that we’d look for another director to attach to the project.”

“Are you crazy? I know how important this movie is to you! It’s like your masterpiece or something. Why would you do that?”

Beau strode over to her and cupped her chin, his long fingers splayed across her jaw. That scent of hers hung in the air and he inhaled a deep shot of it, resting his gaze on her eyes.

“This is the part where I’m going to get real specific so you need to pay attention.” His thumb caressed the corner of her mouth and he thought that maybe she whimpered. “Do you think you can do that for me?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

“About a week ago I decided that there was no way in hell I could do this movie with you. There were a couple reasons for that. The first one? I know how important it is to you and you get the role. The character. Christ, on some level I think I wrote it with you in mind. This part is yours, Betty. Yours. Hands down. There is no other actress I’d even consider.”

Small, hot, breaths fell from her mouth and she licked her lips, drawing his thumb to that damn corner once more. He inched closer, so close that he was pretty sure she could feel the heat from his body and the hardness between his legs.

“What’s the other reason?” she asked.

“I want you. I want to be with you. I want to watch you sleep. I want to make love to you when you wake up. I want to watch you laugh and I want to listen to your voice. I want to hear your thoughts, your dreams, and every single desire you’ve ever had.”

“That’s a lot of wants,” she said softly.

“Yeah.” He bent lower, so that his warm breath fanned her neck. “And that’s only the start.”

He kissed the pulse that beat at the base of her neck. “You see, the thing about all those wants is that I can’t have any of them unless I’m out of the movie because I sure as hell can’t be with you day after day and not be with you. I can’t. So I had to make a choice.”

He felt her tremble. “You would do that for me?”

Beau cradled her head between his hands so that her gaze was forced to meet his.

“It’s done. I already did.”

“Why?” she breathed into him, leaned against his body.

Goddamn, but he could stare into her eyes for hours. “This is that real specific part. The main one I need you to pay attention to.”

He brushed a feather-light kiss across her mouth bent toward her ear. “I love you.”

For about ten seconds, Betty Jo Barker was speechless and when she finally spoke, her voice was husky, as if she could barely get her words out.

“How can you say that? You barely know me.”

“True,” he said as he sought out her mouth. “But I know enough. I know the important things. I know that you’re fierce and loyal and warm and caring. I know that even when you hate your sisters, you love them. I know that your dad breaks your heart and that you love him too. I know that Matt Hawkins is a lucky son-of-a-bitch and that you’re infuriating with a smart mouth and an attitude that doesn’t quit.”

She didn’t say anything for the longest time, but then he felt her shift against him, her body melting into his as her arms slowly wove their way up to his shoulders.

“There’s a lot more to me than that, Beau Simon. You don’t know what my favorite color is and you definitely don’t have a handle on my musical tastes.”