A muscle worked along Logan’s jaw.

Betty bit her lip and stared up at him coyly. She glanced at Billie, and Billie was shocked to see anger there. Anger and something else. It was that something else that was lethal.

“Don’t you want to know who you slept with at the Christmas party? Because it sure as hell wasn’t me, even though,” her voice shook a bit. “Even though several guys were more than happy to ask for the chance that you got.”

Logan’s eyes widened slightly and he looked toward Billie, but she stared at her feet. She was unable to move, incapable of derailing the train.

“Twins,” Herschel said roughly. “Let’s just have some cobbler and—”

“It was Billie.”

“Shit,” Herschel sighed.

Billie wanted to die. Logan turned to her and she finally got up enough nerve to look into his eyes, but what she saw there wasn’t warm, or soft or fuzzy. It was hard, unforgiving.

“You?” he asked hoarsely. “It was you that night?”

Her heart was beating so hard that she felt lightheaded. For a moment her vision blurred, but she realized it was because her eyes were filling with tears. She tried to swallow the huge lump in her throat and she honestly thought that if she didn’t sit down right now, she’d pass out.

She managed a quick, small, nod.

“Say it,” he took a step closer. “Say it out loud.”

Billie cleared her throat and forced herself to speak. “It was me.”


She winced.

“I don’t,” he began and ran his hands through hair. “I don’t get you,” he said finally. “I felt like a dick because I thought I’d slept with your sister.” He leaned closer and she winced at the coldness in his eyes. “I told you the other night and you said nothing.”

She didn’t know what to say, so she said nothing.

“You pretended to be your sister so we could have sex? How fucking screwed up is that? Who does that kind of shit?’”

“I,” she licked her lips and made a gurgling noise. She wanted to make him understand but the words wouldn’t come.

“That’s pretty fucking sick.” Logan glanced over her head. “Sorry for the language, Herschel.”

When his gaze rested on Billie once more it was all she could do to not cry. To not fall at his feet in a puddle of sorrow and pain.

“I came to the house the next day, the day after that party and it was you who answered the door. Hockey girl. You lied to my face.”

She nodded. What could she say? It was the truth.

“Who else have you screwed?”

She stared at him, not understanding.

“Don’t expect me to believe you didn’t pull that kind of crap with other guys.”

Pain lashed across her chest and she dug her fingers into the palm of her hand in a bid to stay focused. [i]Don’t break down in front of him[i].

“And now? Us together? Is that just an extension of some perverted game you girls play with each other? ” He turned to Bobbi. “You knew about this?”

When she didn’t answer his mouth tightened. He took a step back and Billie’s heart broke in half at the disgusted look he sent her way.

“You guys are all crazy. Total fucking nut bars.” His eyes touched on each Barker until he settled on Billie. “I thought you were different. I thought that,” his eyes flashed. “I knew getting involved with you was going to bite me in the ass.”