They were seated in a small alcove that looked out over the water, though with no moon to light the immediate area, it was dark outside.

Logan ordered a bottle of wine and Andrew went in search of their waitress. He settled into his chair, loving how the candlelight did amazing things to her face. It made her eyes look huge and mysterious, and man, her lips looked like they needed to be kissed.


Billie looked everywhere except at him, her fingers twisting around her water glass nervously. “This place is beautiful,” she said hesitantly.

He nodded. “It is.”

She cleared her throat and took a sip of water.

“Contrary to what your sister said earlier, I don’t bring many women here.”

That got her attention. Billie’s eyes shimmered in the candlelight as she gazed across the table at him.

“It’s really none of my business,” she said.

“No, it’s not. But I wanted you to know that.” He leaned closer. If she kept biting her bottom lip in that way that she did, it would take a fucking army platoon to get him off her because he’d jump across the table in an instant and take what he’d been dreaming about for…forever it seemed.

“In fact, the only woman I’ve ever brought here has been my mother.”

It was a realization that only dawned on him as the words fell out of his mouth.

The waitress appeared just then and Logan sat back, his mind a whirl of thoughts as he politely tried the wine and agreed with their waitress, Lisa, that the Argentinean cabernet/sauvignon was indeed, perfect.

After Lisa left them to peruse the menu, he held his glass aloft and gazed into the eyes that belonged to a woman who really was the most interesting female he’d ever met. The fact that he couldn’t figure her out?- It didn’t matter. What did matter was that he had her all to himself tonight and he was going to make the most of it.

“To a great night,” he said.

For a moment, Billie was silent, and then she picked up her glass and nodded, a small smile claiming her lips. “I’m going to hold you to that, Logan.”

“I’m good with that, but if I don’t deliver, just so you know, I will be more than happy to try again.”

She laughed—and not a polite I-don’t-want-to- draw-attention- to-myself, kind of laugh—but a full bodied, reach down to your toes kind of laugh.

He was entranced. Most women he knew—or at least the ones he’d dated—spent every minute evaluating their performance, tilting their head just so, eating like birds, thinking way too much before answering a simple question. All of it aimed to present themselves in a better light when, really, if they were just themselves it would have been so much better. By the time he got to know the real person behind these women, he was already bored or just couldn’t be bothered anymore.

Billie took a sip of her wine, and Logan thought that maybe her laughter was the sweetest sound ever.

“So,” he asked carefully watching her. “What’s up with you and Connor?”

“Connor?” A slow grin touched her mouth and she shrugged. “Connor’s a great guy but…”


“He’s not my type.”

“What’s your type?”

“I’ll let you know when I find it.”

Logan sat back, strangely relieved.

More than two hours later, after finishing their second bottle of wine—most of which Billie drank because he was driving—she reached across the table and gently touched the corner of his mouth. Her finger grazed a drizzle of chocolate and he was mesmerized.

They’d just finished the most decadent dessert he’d ever eaten—and he wasn’t a sweets kind of guy but hell, when she practically begged for the triple chocolate brownie/sundae concoction, how could he say no?

For a second neither one of them said anything. His heart began a slow, steady beat—one that immediately went south and woke up his cock. Damn, he shifted in his chair trying to alleviate the stress between his legs. He was suddenly hornier than he could ever remember feeling, and well aware that the female across from him felt the same.