At all.

“So, I’ll call you tomorrow? You know, if you’re interested?”

Billie’s eyes flickered to Logan briefly and then she glanced away. “Sure,” she murmured. “Sounds like fun.”

“Tomorrow?” Logan asked. “What’s up—”

Herschel burst into the dressing room, his hands full of anti-septic wipes. “I had to drive to the goddamn pharmacy to get these. No one could locate a medical kit.” He tossed the wipes on the bench. “Damn, fancy facility like this and not enough medical supplies. What the hell are our taxes for anyway?”

The three of them stared at the old man, his white cap askew, his face flushed and eyes glittering.

“It’s okay, Herschel. I had just enough,” Connor said as he packed up his kit before he glanced at Logan. “See you tomorrow?”

“I guess.” Logan turned to his brother as Billie moved to grab something off the bench behind her.

That [i]was[i] a damn tattoo on the side of her left hip.

“What’s going on?”

“I won’t tell Mom that you forgot about tomorrow.”

That got Logan’s attention.

“Tomorrow,” he repeated.

Connor’s smile widened. “The fundraiser?”

[i]Ah, shit[i].

“We’re all supposed to be there. Even Travis is coming from California. I’m picking him up at the airport in a couple hours.” Connor paused. “She’s expecting you and Sabrina.”

[i]Double shit.[i]

His mother was one hell of a woman, but her need and desire to get in the middle of her sons lives was legendary. He loved her, Christ did he love her, but she’d been a monkey on his back for the last two years. As her oldest son, she wanted him to ‘settle down’ to ‘start a family and carry on the genes’. She’d flat out told him last Christmas that if he didn’t produce a grandchild by the time he was thirty-five, she’d take him out of the will.

Deidre Forest wasn’t sold on Sabrina, but it sure as hell had made her feel good to know he’d at least settled on one woman for longer than a few weeks or even a few months. Hell, just three weeks ago she’d texted him to ask if she could throw them a six month anniversary dinner.

Sabrina had given his mother hope.

Logan ran fingers along his brow and exhaled. She wasn’t going to be happy that he’d broken it off with the blonde.

Connor slung his bag over his shoulder and glanced over to Billie. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

Logan’s mood darkened as he watched Billie smile at his brother.

With a nod to Herschel, Connor slapped Logan on the back as he passed and murmured, “Tomorrow night will go easier if you make nice with Sabrina and bring her along, just sayin’.”

“Sure, I’ll get right on that.”

Like that was going to happen. He’d run into Sabrina at the bank a few days earlier and she’d practically drilled a hole through his hide with the ice in her eyes as she’s stared daggers at him. And now that he thought

about it, what the hell was up with that? He’d been nice to Sabrina. He’d let her down easy. There’d been no cheating or horn-dogging. It just wasn’t right.

And still, he was the bad guy. She’d butted in line and stood inches from his back, he’d had to listen to her mutter about his ‘inability to commit’ for nearly ten minutes until he was able to get in to see the branch manager.

Logan sighed. He sure as hell liked women, but for the most part, he didn’t understand them. Or, at the very least, he didn’t [i]want[i] to understand them.

Once his brother was gone he turned back to Billie, who had covered up, which was a good thing. He had enough on his mind without her walking around half naked.