Billie took a step forward, aware that Bobbi and Gerald had exited his truck. She held her hands out in front of her, cleared her throat and spoke cautiously.

“Dad, it’s me. Billie.”

Her father’s eyes moved from Logan and he frowned, obviously confused and more than a little agitated. Billie held her hands out. “Dad?” She wasn’t afraid of the rifle. She knew the chamber was empty, but Logan sure as hell didn’t and she heard him swear softly as he tried to move in front of her.

Billie sidestepped him, Bobbi now at her side. “It’s us, Dad,” her sister said softly. “Why don’t you go back inside? It’s cold out here.”

Herschel was now abreast of his son, and the pain in her grandfather’s eyes nearly did Billie in. It hurt to see her father like this, but what did it feel like for Herschel? No parent should have to watch their offspring suffer and deteriorate. Not like this.

Trent Barker squeezed his eyes shut and ran a trembling hand over his temple. His whole body shuddered. He seemed so frail, so tired, and just…old.

Eventually her father lowered his rifle. “Billie, when did you get home?”

Relief washed through her and she offered a small smile. She’d been home for nearly two weeks and this was the first time her father had called her by name.

“I got home…a while ago.”

Her father’s brows furled. “Is it off season?” He glanced at the trees, saw the fall foliage. “Shouldn’t you be at college? What’s going on?” His voice rose as did his agitation.

Billie opened her mouth but Bobbi spoke before she had the chance. “Billie’s just home for a quick visit, Dad. No worries.”

Their father stared at both the girls and then he glanced at Logan. “Who’s he??

?? he asked gruffly, his expression bordering on confused, though his pride kept his chin up. It broke her heart.

Her grandfather cleared his throat, but Billie saw the tears that glistened in his eyes and her own welled up.


An image of her father bent over, tying her skates rolled through her mind...

She remembered the quiet encouragement in his eyes. The way they crinkled when he smiled. The scent of coffee. Mint toothpicks. The warm hand on her back before every game.

She exhaled slowly and it was a few seconds until she could speak. “This is my…friend, Logan.” She paused. “You remember Logan Forest don’t you? His family owns the veterinary clinic in town.”

Trent’s eyes narrowed and he pursed his lips. “You’re Max’s son?”

“Yes, sir.” Logan answered quietly.

“Dad,” Bobbi moved forward, Gerald at her side. “Why don’t you go inside with Gramps?”

Herschel was beside his son and gently tugged the rifle from Trent’s hands. There was no resistance. There was nothing really. It was as if the fire inside Trent Barker had burned bright for only a moment and then it was gone.

The lump in Billie’s throat was huge as she watched her grandfather slip her dad’s hand into his. The two men turned and shuffled up the porch steps—one an older version of the other, both dejected. They disappeared inside the house as the October sun shone brightly in their wake.

“Unbelievable.” Bobbi’s voice was sharp with insinuation. Condemnation.

Billie tensed, not really up for a battle just now. She’d never felt this low. Not even when she’d woken up in hospital after her concussion had it been this awful. She felt like she was in the middle of a storm with no safe haven…as if she didn’t fit anywhere.

“Bobbi, I can’t do this right now.”

“Of course you can’t, but do I care? Billie, how could you?”

Her sister moved until she stood inches from Billie’s face. For once Bobbi didn’t look put together. Her hair was clipped haphazardly on top of her head, with day old makeup smeared beneath her eyes—eyes that were bloodshot. Her yellow track suit was top of the line, the label, [i]Lulu Lemon[i]—an import from Canada—but she’d pulled on slippers instead of running shoes. One of her earrings was missing, and was that dried toothpaste in the corner of her mouth?

If Billie wasn’t feeling so crappy she’d have been all over that. As it was, there was no fight in her and it took everything inside Billie to [i]not[i] break down. She couldn’t do that. Not in front of her sister. Not in front of Gerald Dooley.

And especially not in front of Logan.