“Butt…I know,” she interrupted. Billie inched forward, still unsure, still scared, but knowing she couldn’t take this torture anymore. “What in the hell are you trying to say, Forest? If this whole night has been about a last roll in the sack then fine. But spit it out because I’m not a mind reader and right now I have no clue what the hell it is you’re trying to say or even what you’re leading up to.”

“I don’t want to hide anymore.”

She blinked. “What?”

Logan shrugged. “I don’t want to sneak around like some horny high school kid. I’m done with that.”

“You want to go public? With our relationship?”

“I wanted to punch the crap out of Danvers tonight. Break his nose. Pound him to a pulp because he was all over you, and I like the guy. But, more importantly I don’t blame him for wanting you. He’d be an idiot not to.”

“But we’re together.” He bent forward and grabbed the hand she was nervously biting on. “I don’t give a shit what any of the guys in the league think.” He paused and rubbed his forefinger along her wrist. “And neither should you.”

Her heart squeezed tight and as the dread rolled away, it was replaced with a heady, light feeling. He wanted her.

“So,” she bit her lip and smiled when his eyes widened. “Are you asking me to go steady, Mr. Forest?”

Logan grinned and lunged forward, pinning her beneath him in a swath of linen and naked skin. “I guess I am.” He nuzzled her neck. He found that one spot that drove her crazy and it was all Billie could do to sound coherent.

“Okay,” she replied, ending on a moan as he pulled her earlobe into his mouth.

His hand sank into her hair and then his mouth claimed hers in a dizzying kiss that was one part surrender, and one part possession. It was incredible and sweet and hot and—

“Are we at twenty-two minutes yet?” She murmured against his mouth.

Logan pulled back. “Not quite. I still have something that I need to say to you.”

Her tongue snaked out and scored a taste of his mouth. “Can’t it wait?”

But Logan wasn’t going to be deterred. He grabbed her hand and gently pushed her back. “No. I need to tell you this.”

Once more, Billie found herself fighting back that sinking feeling of doubt and worry and insecurity. She sat back.

For a few moments there was nothing. No words. No sound.

Weird jumped onto the bed and settled in the far corner, on board for another bout of cleaning—or spying—but still Logan remained silent.

Until finally he spoke.

“You need to know about something that I did and as much as I’d rather not tell you, I know it’s the right thing to do.” His eyebrows arched. “Hell, maybe you already know.”

Billie could only shake her head helplessly, hoping that he wasn’t going where she thought he was.

“I slept with your sister.”

Shit. He went there.

Now would be the time for her to come clean, but…

“Which one?” she quipped, while her mind whirled in a thousand different directions.

“It was a long time ago and I was drunk, or at least half way there, and that’s not an excuse, it’s just what it was.”

“I don’t care,” she said moving closer to him.

He continued on as if she hadn’t said a thing. “It was a Christmas party so you can imagine the booze and people and it was just a crazy night. Shane and Bobbi had just hooked up and Betty was there and she’s one hell of a flirt.”

[i]I know, I was there too[i].