“So just ’cause this guy showed up on a tape doesn’t mean he killed Sondra,” Brad said. “Anybody who worked at Kozmik could be on that tape.”

“True. But most of the employees had left by the time this fellow showed up,” Walt pointed out. “And he isn’t a Kozmik employee, is he?”

“We have a lot of employees.” Brad shook his head and became pensive. “I can’t swear that he isn’t. I only saw him a couple of times. He may have done business with the company.”

Walt laid a comforting hand on Brad’s arm. “It’s a start. We’ll tell the police. Maybe it’ll provide a lead.”

Brad asked if he could go. After he’d left I said, “Given the fact that the weapon was found in Brad’s condo, don’t you think we need something stronger than Brad’s word about this man? Maybe someone can identify him and tell us what he was doing at Kozmik.”

“Good point. Maybe Hirschbeck knows something. In the meantime, I still think it’s a good idea to alert the cops. Don’t you?” Walt nodded as if anticipating my affirmation. “By the way, thank you for not mentioning the need for evidence to back Brad’s story in front of the kid. He’s shaky enough already.”

The kid’s in his mid-twenties, I thought. Old enough to understand we might need more than his word to keep him out of the big house. But he wasn’t my nephew, and Mrs. Higgins wasn’t my sister. And it was Walt’s case. I saw no harm in playing it his way. Up to a point.

Walt knew someone who could produce photos from a single frame and do it stat. Once I had the photos, I’d show them around. “Let’s set up a meet with the detectives and the state’s attorney ASAP.”

“Are you sure we want a big meeting so soon?” I asked. “How about if I call and share this with the detective on the case.”

Walt, who’d been gathering his papers, stopped abruptly. “I want to make sure they don’t blow off this evidence. This character could be a significant lead in the case.”

“Or he could be nothing. It wouldn’t hurt to know more about him. Especially since we’re relying entirely on the word of the accused.”

Walt’s eyes widened. I read fear in his expression. “You think Brad is lying?”

“Walt, you’ve practiced criminal law for—what?—forty years or so? I don’t have to tell you that it doesn’t matter what I think.”

Walt frowned. “You’re right.” He brushed the matter aside with a sweep of his hand. “I’m sorry. This case has me a bit wound up. My sister’s worried sick. Brad’s upset. I think it’s getting to me.”

“No problem,” I said. In his shoes, I imagined I’d feel the same.

* * * * *

After our meeting, I returned to the office. I decided to check on Vince Marzetti up in Frederick before I called Hirschbeck. I looked forward to hearing his reaction when I told him his former boss, Cooper, was dead. He answered on the first ring.

“This is Sam McRae. We spoke outside your house last Saturday.”

“I remember. And I still have nothing to say.”

Before he could hang up, I said, “Darrell Cooper’s dead. Maybe murdered.”

A long pause. “Jesus. No.”

“Yes. That makes two Kozmik Games employees who’ve been killed in the past week or so. One was murdered. The other’s death is highly suspicious. And I think it has something to do with that ITN account you claim to know nothing about.”

“Two people dead?” Vince’s voice was barely a whisper. “Look, I don’t know anything about it, okay?”

“When you worked for Kozmik, do you remember ever seeing a tall, well-built man with blond hair?”

Marzetti fell silent.

“Does he sound familiar?” I said.

“No!” His voice rose. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. Don’t call me anymore.” The conversation ended with a loud click.

Well, I’d gotten a reaction—but no information. At least, none that I could use.

I called Hirschbeck. To my astonishment and joy, he answered.

“Len,” I said. “I have reason to believe the ITN account was created shortly before Brad Higgins started working there, not two months afterward, as the computer records say.” I left Jon Fielding, my source, out of it, since Hirschbeck had such a bug up his butt about my talking to Kozmik employees.