Page 4 of Screw Me Sideways


“You know the one. He was her bodyguard for a minute?” Sterling looked disgusted. “Give me some credit.”

“I’ve given you too much if you ask me,” Reason said. “I saw the way you were looking at her while she was prepping food.”

“Looking never hurt anyone,” Stellan said, taking up for his brother.

“Guess it depends on who’s doin’ the lookin’,” Reason said.

Kellan pulled out his phone and popped off a text to Madden. He wanted to know exactly what had happened before Reason fired these guys. He had a sneaking suspicion one if not both were employed by his true employer, too. They couldn’t lose another inside man at Clink with Nory’s life in danger and the mob circling.

“You’re hardly in the position to judge,” Stellan said calmly.

“He’s right.” Sterling laughed. “You couldn’t keep your eyes off Nory’s blonde friend. What’s her name? Jade?”

“Jade turns twenty-one next week,” Kellan said, firing off a return text as soon as Madden confirmed nothing had happened between the Taylor brothers and Nory. He glanced up. “And you’re in luck. Madden claimed you guys were respectable gentlemen.”

“Just a couple of young guns with enough sense to keep their loaded pistols tucked out of sight.” Sterling’s cocky attitude might earn him that left hook yet.

“That’s an image I could’ve lived without.” Reason stormed into the office and slammed the door.

Kellan said, “Take it from someone who knows. Nory is off limits and that goes for anyone who works here or plays here.”

“Guess you’re saying you have a thing for her, too?” Sterling asked, smirking.

Kellan stopped in the middle of a stride. Pivoting to his left, he gave Sterling a hard glare before he said, “I’m going to forget I heard ‘too’ right then. And no, I don’t have a thing for her. If I were you, I’d get over whatever it is you think you feel for her. She’s young and I know for a fact she’s innocent.”

Stellan frowned. “How would you know that if you haven’t already tried yourself?”

Kellan stalked forward. “I’m Nory’s friend. I’m here to protect her from her father, his enemies, and guys like you who can’t wait to take advantage of her.” He turned to go.

“We know about Hank Sarsarone,” Stellan said.

“Shit, man,” Sterling grumbled.

Kellan came to an abrupt halt. “How would you know about Hank? Did Nory tell you?”

“No.” Sterling stood taller then. His eyes flashed that cool agent glare, the one which Kellan had recognized in his own eyes whenever he looked in the mirror.

Rather than ask questions and do the dance, Kellan said, “All right, then. We know where everyone is standing.”

“I don’t think so,” Sterling said, closing the distance between them. “We need to get one thing straight with you and Reason.”

“Reason isn’t a player, guys. What you see is what you get. He’s the recently promoted manager. That’s it.”

“Whether he is or isn’t, he listens to you.” Sterling’s voice was harder, colder. “And Kellan? If I decide I want Nory in my bed? That’s where she’ll be and that’s where she’ll stay. I won’t make a move unless it’s the only way to keep her safe, but understand one thing: She’s legal and while I wouldn’t sport her around clubs like these, I’d do whatever it takes to make sure no one comes near her. You should know that.”

“So you’re saying you care about her?” Kellan needed to talk to Madden. He’d find out exactly what was going on with the Taylor brothers. “Somebody’s too close to the job.” And that fucked things up for everyone.

“I’m a professional,” Sterling assured him. “But I’m also a stubborn man. No one will tell me who I can and cannot love. If Nory’s a good fit, I won’t wait to make my claims. In the meantime, Hank Sarsarone isn’t coming near her.”

“And how do you think you’ll stop him?” Kellan couldn’t wait to hear this.

Sterling nodded once at his brother and Stellan said, “We’ll fuck her to save her. Rumor has it Sarsarone will only take an innocent young woman. By the time we’re through with her, she’ll be anything but.”

“And then she’ll be marked for dead. Hank will order the hit and his guys will kill her.” Kellan narrowed his eyes on the twins. “You do something stupid like that and he will put her in the grave. Then you won’t just have Sarsarone and his men on you. You’ll have me, Reason, all the Cartwells and company, and Madden coming for you, too.”

Chapter Three