Page 27 of Screw Me Sideways

They stood next to one another, only a few feet apart, and viewed the various play sessions in progress. She tried to figure out what he seemed to enjoy most.

Reason focused on the spanking chambers. She couldn’t help but notice how his gaze shifted back to the strappado bondage cage when the Dom hand-spanked his submissive.

“Do you like watching strangers fuck?”

She gulped. Had he really just asked her that particular question? “Well, I’ve never …”

He turned to her. His strong, handsome features softened and he said, “The couple there in the strappado suite will begin fucking in about three minutes, maybe four. They’re predictable, boring, but for someone who isn’t used to observing, you may find it exciting.”

“Do you want me to watch them?”

He jerked then, seemingly surprised she would ask. Instead of responding, he took a step back and really gave her a good visual groping, starting at her face, sliding his gaze down her neck, holding at her chest, zooming in on her stomach—which tightened at the sight of his cock straining against his jeans—and then finally dipping to her lower half and back up again. She felt exposed and anxious.

When he didn’t answer, she nervously tucked a fallen lock of hair behind her ear. “I shouldn’t have asked you that. It wasn’t appropriate.”

“I opened the floor for conversation when I asked if you liked watching strangers fuck.”

As if he’d brushed her breasts with his tongue or fingers, her nipples spiked and her pussy dampened. There was something about the bite in his voice, the rasp in his tone, that made her head swim with illicit ideas.

“Yes, you did do that,” she said, wishing she could kick herself for sounding so whipped. He’d never even kissed her, yet she responded to him in a way that would perhaps suggest they’d been lovers or at least discussed the option.

“What’s appropriate here or anywhere for that matter?” Reason reached behind her head and loosened the pins holding her curls away from her face. As her hair tumbled to her nape, she shivered. How often had she dreamt about Reason touching her? She didn’t even care that she’d gone to an expensive hair designer for an up-do. The moment he loosened her strands and ran his fingers through her hair, she realized her money had been well spent.

“There we go.” He smiled. “You’re beautiful.”

She quickly looked away for fear she would smile so wide her gums would show. He ran his knuckles from her chin to cheek, stroking her skin with a gentleman’s hand.

Below them, the Dom was anything but a gentleman.

Standing in front of his sub, he whipped out his cock and fed her his dick. Smacking her face when she didn’t suck him aggressively enough, he cursed aloud. “Don’t embarrass me with your performance!”

Pulled out of the moment, Jade said, “I can’t watch this.”

“You will watch if you stay with us.” Marge’s Dom-husband stepped forward. He nodded at Reason and said, “You’re one of the bartenders. Right?”

“Reason Richards.” He stuck his hand out. The man ignored it. Reason seemed glad of the fact and quickly added, “This young lady is someone I know and if she says she doesn’t want to observe, she won’t.”

The man seemed unmoved. “She’ll survive.”

Reason took her hand and laced their fingers together. “Yes, she will. She’s celebrating her twenty-first birthday and the reason she came to Clink tonight is because she hopes to spend her birthday with me.”

Chapter Ten

Reason Richards was a lot of things. He was a sensible man who had been taught to respect his elders, cherish the women in his life, and remain true to who he was regardless of the circumstances. He respected those who embraced those same ideas and principles, but working at Clink had educated him in another area as well. Very often young women entered the club unprepared for what came next.

They walked into Clink with great expectations, yet they had no real grasp of what they’d soon discover. As Reason led the way upstairs to the suite above the club, he couldn’t help but wonder what might have happened if he hadn’t been there to run interference between Jade and the couple. They clearly had their own ideas of how Jade should spend her evening.

He paused and held out his hand. “Watch your step here.”

Jade placed her hand in his. “Thank you.” Once she was on even flooring again, she pulled back.

Instead of freeing her, Reason kept them palm to palm. He could tell she wasn’t entirely comfortable holding hands, but he didn’t make a big deal out of it. Instead, he tightened his grip and looked straight ahead, counting out the twenty paces to the double doors at the end of the hall. Moments later, they entered Clink’s residential quarters, which reminded him of a Vegas high-roller suite.

Reason locked the door behind them and took a seat on the circular sofa.

Jade had only taken one step forward when he said, “Stop.”

She came to an abrupt halt, clearly perplexed. “Here?”