Page 26 of Screw Me Sideways

“Hey, beautiful!” Kellan saved him by setting another drink in front of Katherine. “That good-looking stud at the end of the bar bought you a drink.”

Reason laughed as soon as he saw an oblivious Quinlan Stevens standing where Kellan had pointed. Somebody would soon have his cock rocked thanks to Kellan placing blame. By the time Katherine finished with Quinlan, he’d swear the woman had a few worthy attributes, too. A drunken stupor often washed away any good judgment. After Reason had watched how Katherine treated other women, he wouldn’t dare take Katherine up on a future offer. She was downright dangerous.

Rushing away before Katherine sidetracked him once again, Reason stopped in his tracks when he caught a glimpse of the young couple leading Jade up to the observation deck. The VIP loft was on a six-month wait, which meant the Dom leading Jade around by the nose wasn’t a regular. He’d simply scored a free pass for the night. Frequent Clink patrons typically had annual passes and a few guest passes. VIPs used the elevators. It was a prestige thing.

Come to think of it, Reason hadn’t seen that particular couple before. Not one to panic without a cause, he quickly pursued them at a safe distance, careful not to make eye contact with any club goers for fear someone would stall him.

A few minutes later, he topped the stairs and quietly approached the trio, watching Jade like spectators might view one of the dungeons below. Curiosity led to interest and with that came the longing, a dull desire that grew into outright lust.

That damn dress—regardless of who bought it—was liable to be the death of him.

Blushing, Jade definitely appeared uncomfortable as she watched the couples performing below. Whatever the prick was saying didn’t sit well. The Dom’s submissive seemingly encouraged her, pointing at the cages and commenting on the unfolding scenes.

Reason debated about interrupting them. Perhaps he needed to throw around his weight and just pull Jade out of the situation. Then again, she needed to learn her lesson and he wanted her to learn it well.

Maybe then she would go back and tell Nory all the horrific tales so she wouldn’t even think of stepping foot in a fetish club when she was old enough to patronize them. Plus, Jade needed to realize what she’d opened up when she slipped on that mint green bracelet and invited anyone and everyone to approach her.

In the future, she wouldn’t ask for a color-coded bracelet.

Next time around, she’d skip the wristband.

When Jade had asked for the bracelet, Madden Nichols had all but growled at her. She’d originally met Madden when he’d been guarding Nory and they’d become fast friends. Perhaps that’s why he hadn’t minced words when he affixed the band around her wrist. He’d held his head a little higher in the air and asked, “Do Reason and Kellan know you’re here looking for trouble?”

Thank goodness Ansley had saved her. She’d rushed over to wish Jade a happy birthday and then dragged her away to introduce her to a few staff members. At the very least, Jade had felt welcomed and protected. Kellan had assured her that she was indeed safe there and she understood why. There were cameras everywhere.

She wondered then if Kellan knew she was accompanying this unusual duo to the loft? Would he feel it was a poor decision? She knew the answer there. If anyone made a person feel this uncomfortable, it was a sign.

“Marge and I have always had a healthy appetite,” the young Dom was saying, nodding at one of the chambers below them. “We enjoy a mix of partners. We’ve been tested so no worries there, but—”

Marge’s husband—and Jade couldn’t remember his name—kept rambling. Jade moved closer to the rail, gripping it tightly as she watched a Dom and his sub in the middle of a play session.

She was very much aware of what was happening. Prior to this night, she’d made it her mission to read and research. She’d wanted to understand the leather community. One goal had been at the forefront of her mind since she’d first set eyes on Reason Richards. Now, she longed for more details about the lifestyle Reason and Kellan seemingly enjoyed.

As she watched the Dominant below secure the submissive’s arms above and behind her back, she wondered if she’d made a mistake by coming to the loft. Below them, the Dom swatted his submissive’s ass when she apparently “muttered” something. He seemed overly agitated when she parted her legs for the spreader bar, too. The submissive apparently couldn’t do anything to please him.

“I didn’t ask you to spread your legs, sub.” He chose a whip from the wall and dragged the tail around the floor before he cracked it against her bottom.

Her hair flung in front of her face as her body jounced. “I’m sorry, Sir.”

“You should be.” He grabbed her face and held her tightly. “Do you want me to torture you?”


“If that makes you happy, Sir,” she replied, dropping her head.

He was apparently pleased, given his very visible erection now pressed against his leather slacks. In a matter of minutes, the strappado bondage ensured the bound submissive was at her Dom’s mercy. The contraption forced her head down, her arms back. With the spreader bar widening her legs and the bent position forced by the rope, her bare ass was exposed. She was certainly in a vulnerable position.

“Do you like this sort of thing?” She jumped at the sound of Reason’s voice but slowly turned. She was too aware of everything then—the lurking couple, the Dom grumbling about the terms of their play session and how he’d hoped to start right away, but now Reason was in the mix. And he watched her with pure devilment dancing in his forest-green eyes.

“I don’t think I’m cut out for torture.”

“Would you like to find out?” His voice held a deeper and darker quality. She loved the way he eyed her then, the way he seemingly stood back in an effort to give her space while allowing himself enough room to gaze-grope.

Reason turned his back to the couple who’d escorted her there, paying close attention to the show below and the Dom now flogging his sub. “They play here often. She has a high pain threshold.”

“Do you like hurting your subs?”

“Absolutely not.”