“Holly needs to know we’re here for her. I’m not sure your recommended therapy is the best idea. Won’t she begin to feel alienated?”

Holly snarled. “Don’t talk around me, Kit.” She addressed the psychiatrist again, still concerned with the doctor’s professionalism and not at all interested in her reasons for being there in the first place. “Kit and Kemper are easy on the eyes. That much is obvious. But I can assure you, they aren’t as gentle on a woman’s body. It isn’t easy entertaining two men at one time.”

“I’m sure that’s true,” Dr. Zanati said. Actually, she practically purred. “Well, if that’s the case then the little intimate vacation should do your body some good. If nothing else, you’ll feel like a virgin the next time you have sex and everyone will be well satisfied.”

Holly used her forefingers to rub her eyes. “Are you really suggesting that we go a year without sex?”

Dr. Zanati cleared her throat. “No, you misunderstood. If you’ll read the treatment plan word for word, what I’ve suggested there is very simple. You cannot initiate sex. Your partners will have to make the first move. If you initiate sex, it’s as if you are saying you want to have sex for the sake of having sex.”

“Don’t you think most normal, healthy relationships have a give-and-take there? If we follow this plan…” She shook the paper in front of the doctor’s face and continued, “I’ll be lucky if I have sex twice a day.”

“I was thinking along the lines of once every couple of days given the fact that these men have already admitted they are worn out because of the heavy sexual demands you place on them.”

“Did you say that?” she asked, glaring at Kit and then Kemper.

Kit shrugged. “I may have mentioned that in my private session.”

The doctor smiled. “Yes, he may have.”

“So in other words, you want us to cut back considerably?” Holly asked. She wondered if other doctors would share the same advice. She was beginning to think Dr. Zanati had ideas of her own. She could see where this was headed from a mile away.

Kit and Kemper were so impressed by her credentials they couldn’t see past her awards on the wall. Couldn’t they tell she was coming on to them? Couldn’t they see she was trying to get them away from her so she could move right on in?

“I think it would be healthier for all parties involved if you follow my recommendations step-by-step.”

Holly stood. “I’m ready to go.”

“Holly, honey,” Kit coaxed her. “Sit down. Please, baby.”

Dr. Zanati folded her hands over her day planner. “I’d also like to suggest weekly individual appointments, too. Perhaps Kit and Kemper can come in every week say on Wednesday. You and I can get together every Friday. What do you think?”

Holly choked back curse words. “Sure. Why not?”

“Very well then. I’ll have my receptionist call you next week.”

“Thank you, Dr. Zanati,” Kit said, shaking her hand. Kemper followed suit. Holly waited by the door.

“It’s been my pleasure. I’ll look forward to seeing you men—and you, too, Holly—next week.”

* * * *

“That was a complete waste of time!” Holly bellowed as she entered the house thirty minutes later. She’d remained quiet in the car, trying to pull her thoughts together. “That woman admitted she was a sex addict. She has her own issues and you’re trying to get her to help me! She doesn’t want to help me. She’s an addict herself. Didn’t you hear that?”

“Yes, she is, Holly. I think that speaks highly of her. She disclosed everything she thought her patients would want to know. That’s commendable.”

“Commendable, my ass!” she screamed, waving her hands around her head like a wild woman. “She wants to fuck you!”

“I see you took her to see Dr. Zanati,” Morgan said, descending from the top floor.

Holly took a deep breath and bit her lip. Why did these two have to discuss everything with Morgan? Did they really think Morgan told them everything? Probably not!

“Holly, Dr. Zanati is very good,” Morgan assured her. “She’s actually who I saw when I first moved home.”

“For sex addiction?”

Morgan looked at Kit and then Kemper. Holly slapped her hands over her face. “Oh God, you didn’t tell her!”

“No,” Kit said. “But you just did.”