Realizing he’d zoned out, Kurt cleared his throat and asked, “So it isn’t related?”

“Are you even listening to me?”

“Yeah, man. Why?”

“Yes, of course it’s related,” Randon snapped.

Randon meant the killings were all interlocked and would lead back to the extortionists. Kurt, on the other hand, remained stuck on the idea of Bart’s ex-wife living in the town where the killings had occurred.

Why he was still pondering a woman he couldn’t clearly remember remained to be seen.

“We’re on our way to Satisfying now,” Randon said. “We should be there in about two hours. How soon can you meet us?”


“Yes, today. You sound like an old woman squelching out her last vocal soprano performance.”

“I can still hit the high notes when it matters.” Kurt reflected on the night before. He vaguely remembered Eva removing her clothes. She possessed one smoking hot body. If any woman owned the ability to make a man purr and sing, Eva was one such gal.

“Yeah, yeah. I hear ya,” Randon muttered. “Go practice singing in the shower and get a move on it, man. We’re gonna need some experience. Blaez and Marcus are already on their way.”

“Glad I could count on ‘em,” Kurt muttered. “Tell ‘em thanks for waiting on a friend.”

“They tried to wake you,” Pageant said.

“They should’ve tried harder.”

“Ask Bruns or Cal to ride with you,” Randon suggested.

“They can’t leave their old ladies right now and I wouldn’t ask them. Blaez should’ve waited.” He was the best damn tracker in the country and if anyone could scent out the extortionists, he could.

“You aren’t scared now, are you?”

“Where did ya come up with that?” Kurt yawned and it dragged on for a minute or more. “Damn.” He cleared his throat. “Eva must’ve overstayed her welcome last night.”

/> Silence.

“Are you still there?”

“No comment. You’ll catch enough hell from the club. From what I understand, you’ll probably hear all about it as soon as you see Blaez and Marcus.”

“What am I supposed to hear exactly?”

“Just remember it happens to the best of us. And look at it this way, most of the guys haven’t been able to enjoy another woman once their number is up, so who knows, you may meet your mate sooner than you think.”

“I can hardly wait,” Kurt mumbled.

“What’s that?”

“Mates are for pussies,” he said, thinking it must be true. He’d seen rough and tough bikers do one-eighties after they met their mates. “No offense, Pageant.”

“She’s already hit the store for snacks. We stopped here in Columbia for fuel.”

“Then I stand by my initial remark based on all former observations. Mated pack members are pussies.”

For now, he wouldn’t consider such a fate anyway. He had his thoughts on Eva and was hard as hell just thinking about her. He wished he could remember all the ways he’d enjoyed her. Maybe he’d give her a call and see if she wanted to come on over and kiss him goodbye. It was a long way to South Carolina and he’d like to have a few illicit images in his head before he hit the open highway.

“You’re thirty, Kurt. It’s time to grow up and think like a man.”